They are not even worth mocking. Less than zero.
I would not have known with that immature comment. Is that your way of staying young? You might have undershot the optimum age.
This place is nuts. Everyone here is crazy.
These people have lost their minds. There is no logic in this place. Let them all burn.
They can't hear you. They have lost the ability to see past their own noses. Driven each other to insanity.
I don't think even the best tits in the world could make this bunch see logic. They are gone. No reaching them.
You like to wallow in your own shit here with the crazies. You are not even worth mocking. Just a pathetic bunch of self deluded freaks. I will enjoy watching you all cry when you realize your GOD Q is FAKE NEWS and Donald is INDICTED for real live crimes. Not like the ones you make up and attach to everyone else.
You call the hateful shit you spew here happiness? You have a twisted view of what happy is. I suppose to you happiness is in sending everyone who is not in your cult to gitmo or to the gallows.
Let me know when you get to the part where you all drink the koolaide. I would like to watch that. The sooner the better please and rid the world of your ignorance and violent fantasies. Bye.