Fuck off leave him alone
Entheogens can open the doors of perception to higher states of consciousness with proper support. When used improperly, disrespectfully, or in a violent manner, they have the means to augment latent evil. They open the door and you are presented witn two paths. You better choose the right one! Think John Lennon vs. George Harrison. Relevance due to revalations on wikileaks pineal gland chatter.
Thank you for taking the initiative.
Sleep has ben difficult considering the circumstances. But I am in good spirits!
Reposting not to slide but to reiterate this point. This will be VERY RELEVANT moving forward. The brain is remarkably powerful and highly plastic under the right circumstances:
Entheogens can open the doors of perception to higher states of consciousness with proper support. When used improperly, disrespectfully, or in a violent manner, they have the means to augment latent evil. They open the door and you are presented witn two paths. You better choose the right one! Think John Lennon vs. George Harrison.