Have you read it all?
I haven't yet, just opened the file.
Don't ruin the surprise m8!
question nothing????
is the wailing wall a hoax anon?
how about fractional banking?
chem-trails using nano-tech?
drone strikes inside the USA?
american citizens in jail through 100% false testimony and police corruption?
experimentation on US service members?
The Awans?
Weakened steel?
MH-370 which was blown up anon, and has been found…well bits of it…the search was a LIE they knew and know where it is (bits of it).
IG Report HRC Crimes against children. THERE in black and white. Where is your lying media anon? Question nothing?
Who else is asking about where all our children are anon, because you fucking aren't.
good one.
member Minor Attracted Person a euphemism for pedo
e.g. the anon calling this a slide