5620895, pb
Anons, WE ARE ON TO SOMETHING BIG! Saw Q’s post 5618750 pb this morning referencing John Perry Barlow, and Anons’ posts 5620845 pb, 562180 pb, re EFF, Burning Man and JPB possibly related. THEY ABSOLUTELY ARE RELATED.
I did a dig on Feb 15 regarding Q’s post on 2/11/19 re MAPS. It led me to MAPS-Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Which led to Rick Doblin, Founder of MAPS who went to Harvard and conduced a follow up study to Timothy Leary’s Concord Prison Experiment (MK Ultra related) . That led to Shasha Shulgin, who was a world renowned biochemist and pharmacologist best known for his synthesis creation, and personal bioassay of hundreds of novel psychoactive compounds. He too went to Harvard.
MAPS also led me to the Zendo Project, which is a group which provides supportive environment and education to help transform difficult psychedelic and psychological experiences into opportunities for learning and growth. They go world-wide to events including Burning Man. (See Anon’s post 5621801 re ties of JPB and Burning Man)
Finally, MAPS led me to EFF by way of John Gillmore, who is a MAPS Board Member and co-creator of EFF. See Anon’s post 5620895 pb re JPB founding EFF. EFF led me to Alice v. CLS Bank decision. Picture related.
ANONS DIG!!! I am already late for RL today, and can’t look into this further now. But we hare into something big here.