I don't think it matters. I think GEOTUS understands his mission in part must be to destroy the Republican party if we are to restore the Republic.
At the risk of being excoriated for linking to the same blog again (it's been demonetized so it's not for views/$ but left up for info and as a resource) this explains some of the back story WHY the Dems have gotten away with it.
"….The 2012 election however, IMO, was secured by good old fashioned theft. Scores of voters rose from the dead to vote again; many districts had more voters than residents, and college students boasted about casting ballots in multiple districts (for example, at both their college "home" and their parents "homestead"). Aside from feeble protestations to address these egregious violations, nothing of any note was done to investigate let alone prosecute the massive electoral fraud.
What many average, trusting citizens don't realize is that the Republican party is permanently hog-tied. Going back to a landmark 1982 court case and "Consent Decree" the Republicans entered into, which was affirmed again in 2009, the Republicans are pretty much barred from doing much to challenge voter fraud in minority dominate districts. You can Google-Fu a wide variety of interpretations of what the Consent Decree means in terms of Republican vigilance over suspected Voter Fraud, but suffice to say that the Daily Kos felt it important to publish a post in 2009 advising Democratic poll observers to understand their "rights" and ensure that the Republicans remained "in the box" so to speak and unable to challenge or assert much of anything in minority-rich districts. The Republicans are held to a standard that the Democrats don't even have to try and meet. It is classic Alinsky in action."
https:// stopshouting.blogspot.com/2015/12/why-moderate-middle-voters-need-to.html#more