Smart children irritate mediocre teachers. They do not fit in the "same size desk." And they have a horrible habit of talking and asking questions.
Yep. You are not alone.
I had to deal with a horrible administration at my son's school district. Eventually, the county public records came on line.
This woman who was running the school was a member of a family of full on psychopaths and criminals.
It was unbelievable, divorces, page after page of suing each other, criminal charges. Unbelievable. How do people like this get put in charge of a school district.
I always knew, and even my child knew, she was a whore. She was married in a crime family, but performed sexual favors to get where she was. And she just used vulnerable children for scapegoats.
Please give us the straight dope on psychiatry, therapy, the mental health profession. It would free tens of thousands of people.
My intuition tells me that the central thing is calling up demons and controlling them, i.e., power. Is this correct?
This is true. I know with my generation the older boomers tried to make us younger boomers feel uncool if we loved Jesus.