You made the same post earlier and were asked for more data. Do you plan to provide it? If not then we already know this shit and if you continue to post it then it becomes an obvious ploy. So either kick out follow up data or make a new script.
โฆ and now we know why China announced plans to "block the sun" last month which came out of the blue. Soooo they fucking hacked our shit as always, know this is actually something we already have working and are trying to claim they have a defense for it.
Hopefully it is for someone they crippled on the way in.
You are insinuating they may already be able to do it? Interesting given that Argentina is actually a location of their massive space connected spy base which nobody ever talks about. China and Argentina, interesting indeed.
>Lakewood, Colorado
Why does this ring a bellโฆ when did we discuss this place beforeโฆ god damn you anon making me go look into shit while I am balls deep into something else.
I mean if you are saying we shouldn't trust them then you are in the wrong place since actual anons who actually love their country and actually know current events inside and out are well aware that nearly all of those "representatives" are bullshit.
But, follow that thought, you present it as if you have inside information, you are anon here, so deliver us the good if you have them and be specific.
So illegals then?
Oh yeah, yeah, sockpuppets I call them but, yea, very well known and we actually have one of our anons embedded into one of their centers and feeds us the documents regularly. Good info anon, if you have more beef or are/were yourself an employee then just spill it. You are anon and we will do the rest. Good post either way.
Oh the stories I could tell you about the Blackbird. Not alien tech, at least I don't think so, but definitely a different type of advanced research never seen before at that point and has repeatedly been proven to come out of only one country despite others trying to copy it.
My criticism is never unnecessary and is always spot on and flawless in logic. Read the responses to that inquiry and shut up.
They don't realize we know all about Yang's little op.
Christโฆ you idiots must truly hate it when I am on the breads as it is so easy to identify and blow up your ops. You guys seriously need to work on a better response and statement system, you really do and you also really need to improve your tag team, triple team movements but most of all you really need to get better at basic psych 101, identifying potential strategy breaking anons and steer clear.
Now Israel would be more sneaky about it and they have a specific pattern but must be considered. Definitely not the triple gap countries as they always post the same patterns. So I would say either British, Canadian, Australian or US group. I can eliminate the first three since none use "baby" to respond so that leaves one likely and another possible. Since you do not know how to read I must eliminate Israel here since theirs is a military op which leaves us with American which fits since the employees who fill the roles you are in are typically uneducated, teens or so high they can't even locate their cocks which sometimes isn't even in play anyhow since most think they are transectionalbearlizardostrichpeople.
So, to sum up, tick tock right back at you. Please dear God send someone who is intelligent next time as I am really getting tired of these low level grubs.
Good news but also interesting that Cernovich is at another on this topic. He has a lot of interest in that issue around Epstein island. Since we know his connections that is definitely curious to me.
Well, no matter as I've been dead a long time and the ironic thing is I am actually not kidding but you simply aren't smart enough to understand what I am saying. But yes, devious indeed. Yet another irony is we have already won and all it takes is someone to just look around to, look at current events closely and recognize things.
But as you say anon, as you say. Dead and devious indeed.
They are fun to expose and watch scramble as they try to recreate their narrative. Usually I ignore them but it's fun to sometimes watch them scurry about trying to remedy the break.
Yes, why not add a chink spy to a decision making role and access to data. Smart anon, smart.
Creativity anon, creativity. These intel groups are literal masters of "blink and you miss it" operations. To consider how things may go down you have to think about it from the perspective of how you would do it if you wanted to do it quietly while not alerting the corrupt media and setting into motion a chain of events to clear the board in a fast way. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Cleared, head of snake off, now work on next rung.
So how would you go about doing that? Creativity anon, think outside the box.
No I am asking you literally, not telling you. So tell me, how would you.