>>5623124 (pb)
It is Cotex of Isis now. Erratic, isn't the little fascist barkeep? I hope she takes all her accomplices with her.
>>5623124 (pb)
It is Cotex of Isis now. Erratic, isn't the little fascist barkeep? I hope she takes all her accomplices with her.
What do they mean, emerging? in the 90s the Lyndon LaRouche publishication Executive Intelligence Review published a series of articles about how agent Soros promoted drugs and created MS-13 precursors in Brazil i9n order to destabilize that government and run the good people off the resource rich land. Resources like 85% of the hydroelectric potential of the country. Land where Enron invested heavily and wrote off as losses here. Lands where the Bush_A now runs a military airport.
MS-13 is cabal, just like Crips and Bloods middled all the Mena blow.
Connect the dots.
Asserting anti-semitism is such an old con that it is impossible to believe any of the creeps in congress campaigning against free speech because it is anti-semitic, against the second amendment because it is antisemitic, against the 4rth amendment because it is anti-semitic, against family values because (except for khazars) it is anti-semitic, and for massive immigration because it promotes semitic interests, for open borders and massive unchecked immigration because it promotes semitic interests and permawar because it's the easiest way make money while enslaving the entire nation, do not know precisely what they are doing, which is all laid out in the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
Lock Them All Up.
It's Wang! Learn ingrish, chicom shill.
How to ID a foreign shill
They have a childish comprehension of your culture. Not to be confused with congress, academics, globalists and Pedowood.
They make childish arguments.
They make childish spelling mistakes.
They can't meme.
In WW1 the allies built 770 miles of connected trench fortifications in 4 months and went on to win that round of the war against gangsters.. I'd love to see our A #1 POTUS beat both these exceptional achievements.