Are you making excuses for Trump opening the immigration flood gates?
All those pajeets tech companies want aren't smarter or better than Americans, they're just much cheaper.
This argument is a loser, especially for American workers.
Are you making excuses for Trump opening the immigration flood gates?
All those pajeets tech companies want aren't smarter or better than Americans, they're just much cheaper.
This argument is a loser, especially for American workers.
Those blacks and hispanics should flee the country then for their own health.
B-but muh ballpoint pen!
Yeah my daily carry is .45acp.
When did she say this?
I think my next pistol is going to be a Glock in 357sig. Just because.
Gotcha thanks.
Exactly so.
And if/when its reborn it won't be full of Khazarians.
They'll cover damned near anything. Its a show, entertainment.