Anonymous ID: fe2d47 March 11, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.5628140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dual citizenship Israelis (not just them -Bits, Chinese, Euros, others) holding positions of influence and authority in our govt IS big a fucking problem.

Dual citizenship, dual loyalty.

If someone's telling you otherwise, they're trying to sell you some bullshit.

We have decades of evidence of these bad actors pushing US into wars, regime changes and other horseshit to THEIR benefit and to our loss.


that said, fuck all leftists and double fuck code pink Ilhan, but condemning accurate statements of fact in order to 'virtue signal' (and that's exactly what it is) to impress Globalist/Leftist swine in the media is fucking weak.

Absolute bullshit.