my tiny brain can't compute these puzzles i guess my iq is very low i am only a simple man and yet i hear talk of:
etheral pedophiles that feed on negative thoughts
reptoids that feed on blood to maintain youth
satanists that sacrifice newborns to moloch
spirit cookings to summon demons
attempted murder to the president
collusion of media and fake news
dumbing down of tv programmes and education
mass censorship to restrict freedom of speech
uncle sams snuff factory
mk ultra trauma based mind control
engineered wars to bring order out of chaos
global government and centralization of power
global army
poisoning of food using additives to control population
forcing vaccinations on newborns to damage the immune system
enslavement though debt created by the red shield banking system
separation from rich to poor by destroying the middle class
open borders with no background checks
withholding technologies that could cure diseases
engineered viruses to control population
if all this is true then i am truely in hell but wot can a simple man do all im doing is trying to stay alive in the winter to pay my bills and get enough food on my plate.