Cabal Preempt:R.Kelly
Who are the lawyers?
Michael Avenatti?
Gloria Allred?
Where are these vids coming from?
Who took them?
R.Kelly guilty?
Media Hype>GUILTY!
R.Kelly has not been to court on this.
Win or Lose?
They make the same, No Harm No Foul.
R. Kelly found innocent?
Vids found to be Deep Faked?
Deep Fake?
Think of what Q Team has.
Raw Vid.
R.Kelly vid planted?
Planted to seed media and HYPE.
Michael Avenatti hired to LOSE?
Gloria Allred hired to LOSE?
They don't lose.
No Harm/No Foul.
They are lawyers.
They just keep movin' on.
Deep Fake vids brought into court/R.Kelly defense lawyers examine…
Experts>Deep Faked
R.Kelly innocent?
Court standards.
Doubt established in MM.
HRC Raw vid.
Doubt already established per R.Kelly?