>>5629163 (lb)
>Feinstein calling for grounding of 737-800 fleet - Would I be out of order to extrapolate that China's putting the screws on Trump's trade deals in Vietnam?
No anon you would not.
I would say that's a very good analysis.
>>5629163 (lb)
>Feinstein calling for grounding of 737-800 fleet - Would I be out of order to extrapolate that China's putting the screws on Trump's trade deals in Vietnam?
No anon you would not.
I would say that's a very good analysis.
These information mercenaries are grey hats at best.
I con't be bothered caring about JA, JPB or Snowden any more.
Fuck 'em, they knew what they were getting into.
Sorry Q, but this is some shitty meme material