Looking for a Q drop about implants or having a foreign object in us. Or somethign along those lines.
Cannot locate with those search terms. Am I imagining things?
Looking for a Q drop about implants or having a foreign object in us. Or somethign along those lines.
Cannot locate with those search terms. Am I imagining things?
No sense wasting time on them then is there.
To bad the media is within that 4-6%
Emasculated liars are easy to control.
Never submit to the lies of the left.
Stand tall anons. We are legion!
Must have heard it elsewhere.
Other site maybe. Just thinking about these nano dust / morgellans shit and wondering if that is the 'alien' implant that we need to worry about.
The fact the cabal could already have a kill switch in all humans is fairly terrifying.
steven d kelley is the bro who talks about the getty museum and their underground chamber of horrors.
He has a vid where he says he has been inside
LOL. I orderd a UV black light so I can check to see how many are raining down at night.
And to look at my hands and shit.
Topic makes me FUCKING ITCHY
Yes. Have been paying attention to it for years.
Revisiting it now as related to Q drops and Assange interview cut off when he brought it up.
I thought I had read something about us having implants in all humans that will need to be removed / neutralized before the final take down.
Thinking about it now, prob was no Q and was a few years ago.
If you have resources on this shit I am all ears.
It's looking very plausible.