Don't forget to go old skool
Don't print from home, using a Kinkos or something similar with a prepaid debit/credit card
Think Sabo style
>>"….The reason for the “sudden collapse” is that the group knowledge finally reached a tipping point, where the “dissenters” realize that they are the MAJORITY, not the minority as the Regime would have them believe.
>>Sticky notes, as advocated at gas pumps and on stores shelves, represent what is known as “Counter propaganda”."
>>1. It is important to maintain a belief in final victory. Morale is everything.
>>2. Large numbers of [counter propaganda] appearing day after day, night after night, everywhere, will make the Regime nervous and raise the self-confidence of the population since such activities demonstrate the inefficiency of the existing Regime and the power and strength of the resistance movement.
>>3. Whenever practical, successful guerrilla forces use non-electronic means to communicate.