Millenia old ritual sacrifice. Ensures only true psychopaths rise to the top of the pyramid.
Two interesting things occurred late in that podcast:
1) Bravo brought up Zionist shill accusation against AJ.. in response he trailed off into a discussion about banging black women.
2) AJ mentioned the baker/chef at Mar-a-lago under attack from MSM. Then realized it was Q related and froze up.
If you ain't a Trump supporter by now, no meme on his economic achievements will change your mind.
Q is just giving Anons a task to keep us busy. I suspect more delays in the rollout.
NP says no impeachment. This doesn't help our optics to go on the attack.
Mueller has sealed indictments in DC, something Barr must handle, without appearing to be covering for POTUS.
"It was Gaeta who, reportedly on July 5, 2016, traveled to London to meet with former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier. The trip was reportedly authorized by Victoria Nuland, then-assistant state secretary for Eurasian affairs."