Anonymous ID: 7e2ccd March 11, 2019, 4:56 p.m. No.5630886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0926 >>1169 >>1213 >>1260 >>1347 >>1396 >>1445

Hello anons. In light of posts I've recently read from people like SenatorAnon, HLI Anon, and Q himself, I've decided there really is no excuse to refrain from investigating 'small fish' like corrupt LOCAL governments, in order to contribute to large-scale things like pizzagate being stopped.


I looked into my small town's (less than 10k people) masonic lodge and found that the mayor of my town is a mason, and a member of my county's shriner club. I have also found that members of my local lodge are at the head of every local charity/humanitarian event that has gone on in my town for a while. As if this didn't make me feel uneasy enough, I've most recently uncovered that members of the masonic lodges in my county, as well as the shriner club, hold events relating to, and donate to, a children's shriner hospital in a large, nearby city. A very corrupt city (full of liberals, basically ANTIFA headquarters).


My question to you guys is this: Is this really any cause for concern? Should I take this into the real world and do some investigating, rather than stopping my curiosity here online? Do any of you think I'm being stupid and these are all normal occurences? The idea that freemasons run my city and my county, and that they all are connected to a children's shriner hospital just doesn't sit right with me. I'd love to hear all of your guys' input.