Cool, maybe some Patriots will get off their asses and jail some people.
Sorry, but maybe secret trials for a couple people is wearing thin.
Otherwise, see you all in the FEMA DeathCamps.
Cool, maybe some Patriots will get off their asses and jail some people.
Sorry, but maybe secret trials for a couple people is wearing thin.
Otherwise, see you all in the FEMA DeathCamps.
Since Q isn’t getting the mass arrests done, what is next?
Seriously we need action now or it’s FEMA Death Camps for us all when Hillary wins the rigged 2020 elections.
Q+ doesn’t have our back on immigration, 5g, vaccines, Monsanto, and mass arrests.
But I got a tax refund that will cover one month of health insurance premiums.
Right, being investigated.
All Trumps buds who did practically nothing wrong are in jail. But Brennan maybe is being looked at.
Sorry, but after Venezuela, we need Patriots to step up. Either mass arrests or blow everyone up trying and see you all on the flip side.
Rather die on my feet so this is one Anon’s vote for push the button on Plan B.
Too bad we don’t have rule of law :(
Kek. Still waiting for healthcare. I don’t think I can even afford free healthcare in this country.
No, that would be too efficient. Let’s wait until (they) rig the elections and we can have this conversation in a FEMA facility.
And the sad thing was Trump did do us a solid favor by authorizing the release of hidden technology (healing devices there, long story), but the deep state is blocking him.
This is why the MIL just needs to go in armed.
When will Kansas be thrown in Gitmo for destroying Venezuela?
Q, when will Bolton be thrown in Gitmo for 911?