You sure you want to do this?
It's part of her religion dumbfuck. If you won't defend her right to wear it we won't defend your silly hat either.
Fuel budgets. Sorry.
Let's make this board about Daniel
As long as he knows what to do when he sees something now.
Watch your blood pressure, getting off drugs is commendable. We are with you anon.
Nice shirt faggot
He wants to decide what religion you should be.
Nothing matters if the nuke is close enough. But if it is far enough away to not vaporize the building getting under the desk is their best bet to end up in a survivable void after a structural collapse absent a central hallway or other purpose built shelter.
I worship Satan. Built an alter and everything. I just want to be naked and masturbate all day at home.
But at least I'm not a namefag.