If 1=2 then I'm reposting 17=17. For MOAR check:
>>5568068 (pb)
(Yeah, I'm being a bit of a prick with the last image, but nobody pays attention, and on this one I am right…)
Kitchen is HOT 6: A Footnote to History?
DJT and Anton give each other a 17-handshake. This means that Anton is acknowledging that he will play the role of Q. But we need to show this.
First, it is clear that DJT tweets Anton's 17-word title. Any 17 in a DJT tweet is an established sign.
But suppose for the sake of argument that Anton really had nothing to do with Q. He surely KNOWS about the Q movement, and would scarcely give his book a 17 word title by accident. But suppose he did. Then surely DJT would have found another way to recommend Anton's book, anything except tweeting a 17.
As for Anton, if he wants to signal a 17, the obvious way to do so in on page 17, since that is where Anons will look. What we find is utter genius, a brutal turning of the tables on the fake news.
The crucial footnote is really footnote 3. But that is attached to a line the mentions both Decius and Machiavelli. These are BOTH previous roles played by ANTON HIMSELF. When in footnote 3 Anton mentions that Machiavelli has done something, he is REALLY talking about himself.
Now let's look at both footnotes in their entirety, putting aside our current Q context. They are both utterly pointless. They both invoke number symbolism that does achieve anything whatsoever. In short, they are BOTH examples of PRECISELY the sort of NONSENSE that the fake news accuses the Q movement of being!
But what is Anton really doing? He tells Machiavelli contriving, fooling with the text. But Machiavelli is Anton. Anton is telling us that he is contriving with the text to make it the only spot where two symbolic numbers co-occur. He knows why we are there. We are looking for signal on page 17, and he is telling directly that he is fooling with the text to make sure numbers CO-OCCUR. 17 matches 17!
Anton has directly acknowledged that he is playing Q, and thus giving Anons the signal to identify the crucial picture. But we've got it.
A footnote to history? Think mirror. BOOM!