So, Jeb Bush accepted 1.3 million, and got fined $390,000
Well, I'm not a math major, but if I can commit a crime, make 1.3 million, and only pay a fine of about 25%….
Where the fuck do I sign up?!
So, Jeb Bush accepted 1.3 million, and got fined $390,000
Well, I'm not a math major, but if I can commit a crime, make 1.3 million, and only pay a fine of about 25%….
Where the fuck do I sign up?!
Anons by now should have noticed that the vast amount of middle and upper evil people all run in family lines. Very, very seldom does someone from an evil line turn good (whether later murdered, or not.)
I have a personal theory that HIPPA laws were put into effect because DNA testing was becoming so cheap. Cheap DNA testing would allow easy tracing of their bloodlines.
Good way to prevent war profiteering is to make every publicly owned company, and every supplier of goods or services that end up for the government, can only sell their goods and services for cost. All loans go to zero interest. This would go into effect if our soldiers were involved in fighting for 10 days straight, or any 14 days in a 6 month period. Can only be rescinded when ALL troops are back in the U.S.
I knew fagbook was a fraud when I read the book, and MZ's "dentist" parents dropped him 1 million for servers, and 4 months after he started it, it was worth $4 million. Then Peter Thiel (I think it was) dropped $60 million on it, after the $4 million eval.