What choo know bout Russian Collusion?
They're ruthless
>How about Californiaโฆโฆ?
>Will the solar flash trigger the pole shift
There's no real evidence to back that "pole shift" theory. "Scientists" are looking at the data all wrong. There really not much evidence behind the "ice age" theory. These are all imaginary idea, based off flawed and incredibly out of date theories. It's too long a discussion to get into, so I'll just say before you go running around wasting your time worrying about imaginary things, like the Mayan Apocalypse, you may want to learn a little bit about how the Electromagnetic Force actually works and why this is EXTREMELY important to understand when talking about space. . .
>Tell that to the people in Upper Egypt
How deep do you want to go? According to the "official" theory we are several hundred years over due for said pole flip. Yet, we have evidence of several layers of civilizations, that 'to our knowledge' have only been around for some 12,000 years. So.., something ain't adding up. I've researched this a lot more than you can possibly imagine. I see the electrical currents that shaped our planet. Geologist haven't been factoring this into their hypothesis. However, this isn't a new discussion and actually goes back a few centuries.