THE MUHJOO shitposters are USELESS BREAD GOBBLERS and traitors to all Americans, to POTUS, and to MAGA patriots
they should be condemned, shunned and cast out. they blaspheme in Jesus name, and in the name of God Almighty, against all reason and virtue.
They are worthy of the name and fate by which history of the BOARD, all KEK, and all good BREADS shall be written in digital stone - THOU ART USELESS BREAD GOBBLERS!
Letter to POTUS from Pelosi/Schumer today?
Subject of the letter?
WTF cant WE THE PEOPLE know the contents of this letter?
and so much more
fuck the secrecy
do we own america or not?
looks like not
good summary
never believed these persons could create thiese things so quickyl and easily
now we know if was all a fradu and theft from WE THE PEOPLE
it will be glorious if these assets are recovered along with all the other trillions stolen
that would be indeed world changing
too much to hope for/
perhaps not
we live in very strange times - strange AND wonderful? we will find out
my cognitive dissonance comes from 2 unassailable facts
Q and POTUS are real
no public habbenings
i can convince myself there is no conflict if i try but it dont last
no one likes your memes
sad but true if history repeats - and it always has
however we have a chance this time
the GA
yeah sure
uh huh
doesnt bother me at all
seems obvious in fact
my complaint is that it is hidden by the govt
they got no right
i didnt even need any video knowledge or proof
if it WAS true POTUS would not be dumb enough to take off his hat
every bald bubba knows that much
i wish i knew anon
its very difficult and we all have so many problems caused by the fuckery now
but i do remind myself war has a cost for us all
yeah if i had a dollar for every tic toc that went somewhere i would not have even a dollar
did you say burning cows?
on this complete non starter note of bullshit i sahll retire for the pm