Is that you jewbot?
Jewbot, the Sopranos anti-jew memes are awesome. Someone made a collection here.
Want me to post them all one by one?
Welp looks like jewbot doesn't like anti-jew memes. Here's another good one.
Notice jewbot has stopped posting after my last reply to him with an anti-jew meme.
You must be a jEwww. Only jEwwws don't like the memes I posted. And they are not mine. I "stole" them.
PS. Copying is not theft. Taxation is.
jEwww replied to my post without reading it, it seems. Jew are very very lazy. Not getting paid enough I bet.
I wish I could show him that clip from Family Guy where Stewie follows a fat guy with a tuba going "pompo-pompo-pompo-pompo…".