Anonymous ID: 696277 March 12, 2019, 2:14 a.m. No.5637480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

> 5636130 (pb)


Was watching a mirror of this video by Matthew North last night investigating Joe Rogan when the researcher went into interesting territory related your MAPS Institute find with John Perry Barlow and burning man.


North travels from Joe Rogan to his sponsors including 23andMe and then to Aubrey Marcus' "Onnit" company to the MAPS Institute to the Esalen Institute and beyond. Even included references from there to Michael Aquino from the Temple of Set and Military Intelligence and his "Revolution in Military Affairs" (RMA) program.


North's research into MAPS was imagined up at the Esalen Institute and founded with money from the David Rockefeller Estate Fund and David Rockefeller fund. Another slide shows it is more recently backed by Laurence Rockefeller, Bob Wallace and Steve Wozniak (the Apple co-founder?). Another slide mentions additional funding from the deceased Richard Rockefeller's estate.


MAPS is trying to legalise drugs such as weed, LSD, psilocybin and other hallucinogens ie the pharmaceutical angle Q hints at. There is talk about DMT, them potentially creating/growing their own drugs for sale outside of where Rogan's used to perform comedy in Houston and the burning man angle too. George Soros also helped create the 'Drug Policy Alliance' which works with MAPS in the legalisation efforts with help from Sean Parker (ie Napster and ex-Facebook CEO). MAPS also has links to the C_A.


The Esalen part is long and complicated so I'll probably miss a detail or two. The gist of it is the Esalen Institute starts off with it founding sometime in the middle of the cold war, networking Russian scientists with American scientists together under the same roof ("maybe we all have common goals?"), spiritualists, studying human behaviour and creating information warfare plans reminiscent of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". In fact Aldous also helped found this institute. It then talks about using psychedelics as a means of control, the "The Third Wave" and information overload to create a multi-dimensional information war. All to do with human control. If you're connected you can go there and network with other like-minded individuals.


He goes through and find lots of people with military ties such as '"Hot dog" Harry' (didnt Barry order $65,000 of hot dogs from NXIVM at 1am that one time?) who is the father of Rogan's producer. Harry's parents used to know the Rothschilds in 'the old country'.


This investigation also features everybody's favourite disinfo shill, Alex Jones. Apparently his merchandise is close if not identical to the stuff sold by Onnit.


Its about 2 hours and 11 minutes long but it is chock full of clips and information. I'm not doing it any justice to the number of names and connections between all the players involved: its well worth watching to see how large this spiders web is.


TL;DR Researcher trying to prove Joe Rogan is a shill instead finds a spiders web connecting Rogan's sponsors to MAPS and Esalen Institutes who are dabbling in information warfare, the drug legalisation efforts and control of people through psychedelics.