chess pieces ?
"Give 'em hell, Harry"
Harry Truman replies:
"I'm not going to give 'em hell
I'm going to tell the truth
and they'll just THINK it's hell."
go figure
Imagine this –
what if the MSM push against Trump
is part of the plan
to trap the FUKIN TRAITORS
who fukin destroyed our country
no one tells their enemies their secrets
they only tell "their friends"
take down trump
and they all fall down
Trump Card = He's the President of the United States and Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces
actions against him
are actions against the armed forces
better have good evidence
before you go playing in that sandbox
disfigurement syndrome
similar to michael jackson
never beautiful enough to satisfy
wants to achieve sense of acceptance
just another Hollywood dream child
all grown up
without any real core
you're not serious
the point of memes is to red pill normies
not to just sling dirt
or entertain teenagers
our President is fighting for us
we need to fight for him
get a grip