Anonymous ID: 24eaca March 12, 2019, 5:11 a.m. No.5638090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Most shills push the name the Jew part really hard as a cover. Duke does it non-stop. He's smart enough to advocate better as is Spencer. If they were just idiots I would write it off as an honest mistake. Duke through his lot in with Trump and doesn't speak for pro-Whites now. He not only shilled for him hard but basically said he would be his faithful servant or something like that when he was trying to get elected again. This was despite Trump disavowing him several times. He is smart enough to realize how weak that position is and how irrelevant that makes him now.


Trump was shilling hard for Jews and Israel and Duke who talks crap about Jews non-stop shills hard for Trump. He even went as far as trying to explain how Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem was some 4D chess move against Jews. He's not even trying anymore.