Because "The Hunt for" domestic production of steel is over. With Trump's tariffs, financial incentives, relaxation of regulations, he has set the stage for the resurgence of U.S. made steel.
Steel is everything to a modern country or an empire. Steel builds countries or rips them apart. Steel is the backbone of infrastructure that our modern, civilized way of life depends on. If we lose steel, we lose.
Whoring off domestic production to another entity jeopardizes our dependency and henceforth our security. In time, we loose the machines, the skill and supporting infrastructure to make steel - it goes dormant.
Trump has re-lit the fire, galvanizing a base of support to get this shit churning once again. Like the Soviets of the Red October plant, after it's destruction in WW2, they rebuilt using what the had (which was shit). But, they were making steel. And the Soviet workers were invigorated!
But we're America so obviously we are gunna get the good shit and not be making steel with ancient foundries.
Bethlehem steel.
Just a thought.