Fuck yes we are ready. Most of us ale /pol/ regulars, we've seen shit that would make normalfags heads spin. Gore threads upon gore threads, every act that a human can inflict upon another human (think daruma. If you don't know what that is, it is better you stay ignorant). We strengthened ourselves, hurt ourselves practically daily by wading in the filth of the world, because it was real. We will never be more ready than now. Bring it.
Oh shit, remember the Don't Learn Mandarin copypasta https:// imgur.com/a/aSFTC . The guy wasn't just a victim of lazy chinese - this was a CONCERTED EFFORT BY THE CABAL TO GIVE THE WEAKEST STEEL TO THE WORLD.
Organization CANNOT be through an app/helper. This is not where we are strong. We are a hivemind. Spread the truth, get more likeminded people on the cause. They don't even have to be aware of Q - they'll just work towards the finish line the best they can, given what we know and will give them.
This is it anons. We are pumped, pumped as fuck for action. Q just told us straight that we will receive an undeniable video of HRC doing something irredeemable. This video will be the nail in the coffin for her and the Cabal will do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to stop the spread of this video.
We are masters of spreading info organically. We will not be silenced. We will spread this video as far and wide as possible, to every place where people have access to. We will make the truth heard and MAKE IT LOUD, because this is who we are.
We are anon. Information is our air. We breathe it, we smell it, we live thanks to it.