Anonymous ID: 545939 March 12, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.5638544   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here are the insidious 10 commandments of the Insane Socialist-Communists and Globalist Tech-Monsters that run the Democrat Death Cult


#1. Thou shall exterminate all of thy babies on their day of birth to save humanity from the eternal blazing furnace of global warming.


#2. Thou shall be banned from speaking badly of vaccines that contain the infected blood from abortions, monkeys, and cows.


#3. No human shall object to sodium fluoride in thy drinking water, and no American shall speak or publish information about fluoride as an unholy, carcinogenic, insecticidal drug that feeds the destruction of teeth, bones, cells, and IQ.


#4. Thou shall ingest thy corrupt seeds of corn, soy, cotton, and canola, and accept the consecration of genetic modification as the adulterated path to the realm of early death.


#5. Thy social media shall be the Authoritarian Voice for all things science, and no man, woman, or child shall voice any opinion challenging this Ministry of Truth.


#6. The White Man has stolen the keys to the kingdom of Heaven, keeping all people of color in chains of darkness.


#7. Man and Woman are biologically exactly the same in every way, and no cis-person shall declare otherwise, or face judgment themselves in a ring of Hell fire.


#8. Illegal aliens are incapable of committing crimes, carrying infectious diseases, raping any human, or pillaging any place or property.


#9. All lab-created chemicals for thy food and thy medicine are Holy and should be consumed and injected without question or exception, especially including infants and “objects” in thy womb.


#10. Thou shall obey thy Socialist Oligarchs and Technocrats and bow down to the Cult of Equality by means of Social Justice, or face social and financial “execution” for treason.