Anonymous ID: 5d6c5c March 12, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.5638857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God gives sources when He speaks. He gives examples of what the rebellious are doing. When an anon specifically mocks God or rejects TRUTH then it would be good to simply tell the truth. God also reveals the consequences of what happens with whatever road we choose. Good and bad.


His lovingkindness is everlasting! It's all about salvation.


I think the anons are quite aware of what is evil and what is good and know that this is a spiritual war. Some don't acknowledge God so use your knowledge of His word and show them where God is working here.


I was just thinking, do the anons searching for truth realize they are hearing God's voice? That whisper into the soul that triggers the knowledge of good and evil in the mind which triggers the brain cells in their heart (yup, they are in there!) and causes the gut to react? :)


Lord God and Heavenly Father, hallowed be Thy name. I would love to see the gathering of the anons before Thy throne where they will throw their crowns at your feet and glorify Thy name. They will rejoice in your justice! Keep guiding them and be their point man.


Remember anons, Satan is the shill master and you know his voice, too. Have a blessed day of digging!