Anonymous ID: 70b48f March 12, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.5639041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9072 >>9105


To the letter of the law. It has to be done this way.


''Setting expectations helps and hurts. Not setting expectations keeps everyone in the dark, but the faithful will continue to seek justice, regardless.

Q drops dates as bait, and being anons here means subjecting yourself to perpetual cycles of discipline. Q already told us we have at least 2 more years to go.''

Anonymous ID: 70b48f March 12, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.5639258   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thought about this yesterday, too. But then I got to thinking about how many other whistleblowers benefitted from that exchange, and Lindsay getting 100s of call from other whistleblowers and it suddenly made sense.