Lock em up #12 Add Brennan to the 11 per Q, gladly!
Q, can I add Soros, too? Please!
Lock em up #12 Add Brennan to the 11 per Q, gladly!
Q, can I add Soros, too? Please!
-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.
-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.
-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.
-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
But The DEA & SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Give “Carte Blanche” & “Waivers to prescribe higher doses/limits of controlled substances” to Providers that prescribe “Addiction Therapy Drugs” that are more addictive, controlled substances, tagged the “lifetime therapy drug”, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more side effects and much more expensive!
-Addiction Drug Therapy buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year. Suboxone sells for $560 at CVS and $553 at Target for a 30-day supply, according to GoodRx.
-Addiction Drug Therapy naltrexone ( Vivitrol ) – up to $1200 to $1,176.50 per injection $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year.
-Addiction Drug Therapy Methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year.
Politicians Practicing Medicine Without A License For Profit!
Where is the war on "-Unintentional fall deaths: 34,673"
Where is the war on STDs " STD related bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of those infections”-CDC 2013
Where is the War on Alcoholic liver disease? Alcoholic liver disease deaths: 21,815
Why the Continued War on Chronic Pain Patients and Their Doctors when Physician Prescribed Opioids deaths: 17,029 (could even be lower ) Per CDC…
Because it is an estimated Multi-Billion Profit Scam…funded mostly by the tax payers.
Would it surprise you to know that the market for the addiction recovery industry is well in excess of $35 billion a year?
That is a 44% increase since 2009. By 2020, spending in estimated to reach $42 billion, representing a jump of another 20%. (my opinion, total profits from the fabricated profit created opioid scam is over $100 Billion…)
How much money can be made on a single patient?
Professional intervention – $2500, plus expenses
Residential drug detox – at least $500 per day, lasting anywhere from 3 to 14 days
Inpatient drug rehab – between $6000 and $32,000, depending upon location and amenities. In fact high-end, “luxury” rehabs can cost over $100,000 for a 30-day stay.
Intensive outpatient programs – up to $10,000 per month
Partial hospitalization programs – between $350 and $450 per day
Sober living facilities – up to $2500 per month
Once-monthly administrations of Vivitrol – up to $1200 per injection
Sober coaches – up to $1900 per day, plus expenses and travel, usually with a five-day minimum
In addition to “addiction therapy Drugs”, is the multi-Billion Frequent Drug Testing Industry with an absurd failure rate. Etc
-Addiction Drug Therapy buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year. Suboxone sells for $560 at CVS and $553 at Target for a 30-day supply, according to GoodRx.
-Addiction Drug Therapy naltrexone ( Vivitrol ) – up to $1200 to $1,176.50 per injection $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year.
-Addiction Drug Therapy Methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year.
End the War on Chronic Pain Patients and their Physicians…This was never the cause of the fake RX prescribed opioid crisis for profit.
We all know that it was illegal heroin & fentanyl brought in from Mexico and China by the previous administration.
To delay the end to this witch hunt defies logic and humane decency….unless there were never plans to end it. Cruel and Inhumane Treatment & Unusual Punishment
Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Money to Congress
-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.
-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.
-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.
-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
But The DEA & SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Give “Carte Blanche” & “Waivers to prescribe higher doses/limits of controlled substances” to Providers that prescribe “Addiction Therapy Drugs” that are more addictive, controlled substances, tagged the “lifetime therapy drug”, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more side effects and more expensive!
-Addiction Drug Therapy buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year. Suboxone sells for $560 at CVS and $553 at Target for a 30-day supply, according to GoodRx.
-Addiction Drug Therapy naltrexone ( Vivitrol ) – up to $1200 to $1,176.50 per injection $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year.
-Addiction Drug Therapy Methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year.
Politicians Practicing Medicine Without A License For Profit!
Where is the war on "-Unintentional fall deaths: 34,673"
Where is the war on STDs " STD related bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of those infections”-CDC 2013
Where is the War on Alcoholic liver disease? Alcoholic liver disease deaths: 21,815
Why the Continued War on Chronic Pain Patients and Their Doctors when Physician Prescribed Opioids deaths: 17,029 (could even be lower ) Per CDC…
Because it is an estimated Multi-Billion Profit Scam…funded mostly by the tax payers.
Would it surprise you to know that the market for the addiction recovery industry is well in excess of $35 billion a year?
That is a 44% increase since 2009. By 2020, spending in estimated to reach $42 billion, representing a jump of another 20%. (my opinion, total profits from the fabricated profit created opioid scam is over $100 Billion…)
How much money can be made on a single patient?
Professional intervention – $2500, plus expenses
Residential drug detox – at least $500 per day, lasting anywhere from 3 to 14 days
Inpatient drug rehab – between $6000 and $32,000, depending upon location and amenities. In fact high-end, “luxury” rehabs can cost over $100,000 for a 30-day stay.
Intensive outpatient programs – up to $10,000 per month
Partial hospitalization programs – between $350 and $450 per day
Sober living facilities – up to $2500 per month
Once-monthly administrations of Vivitrol – up to $1200 per injection
Sober coaches – up to $1900 per day, plus expenses and travel, usually with a five-day minimum
In addition to “addiction therapy Drugs”, is the multi-Billion Frequent Drug Testing Industry with an absurd failure rate. Etc
End the War on Chronic Pain Patients and their Physicians…This was never the cause of the fake RX prescribed opioid crisis for profit.
We all know that it was illegal heroin & fentanyl brought in from Mexico and China by the previous administration.
To delay the end to this witch hunt defies logic and humane decency….unless there were never plans to end it.
Cruel and Inhumane Treatment & Unusual Punishment
Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Money to Congress https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary.php?ind=H04&recipdetail=S&sortorder=A&cycle=All&fbclid=IwAR2JzYGASCA5iNtFbe2Wcic-lrdB-VLPRjwpsFoxdmFS7bxpEeosbpYwQRY
FACT: The harder it becomes to get pills, the more people flock to heroin and fentanyl.
FACT: It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from illegal heroin/fentanyl, not physician prescribed pain pills.
Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny is a quack.
He is NOT qualified, licensed nor Board Certified in Pain Management and has NO medical expertise in the field or treating chronic pain patients. whatsoever.
Psychiatrist Kolodny makes his money off of addiction, addiction centers and addiction therapy drugs (tagged the treatment drug for life) which is considered more addictive, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more severe side effects than RX opioids in addition to being more expensive.
Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, is the founder and Executive Director of PROP, an anti-opioid extremist on steroids, who ran the Phoenix House chain of so called “non-profit” addiction treatment centers and is responsible for the 2016 CDC Guidelines, increasing the pharmaceutical levels of all opioids, reclassifying them to insane levels.
He also makes money from court cases.
Were The Illegal Heroin, Illegal Fentanyl Overdose Deaths In The US, Canada, Australia & Europe Which Resulted In An Overwhelming Increase In Organ Donations/Organ Harvesting, Planned And Implemented By Obama, Clinton, Clinton Foundation, CIA, In Collaboration With China? Cabal/Deep State?
Possibility of Obama, Clinton, CIA, etc. government protected illegal opioid trafficking, open border invasion for votes, distraction for what purpose? Govt inside involvement, implementation, disinformation campaign by multiple agencies, govt, media, criminal gross negligence homicides? For multiple purposes…for fleecing the taxpayers Billions…perhaps trillion in profits with organ harvesting/donations/any illegal?, erosion of civil rights, asset seizures, kick backs in forms of political campaign contributions, destabilization? other fraud?, gun confiscations, 37 states pass laws to make it easier to commit someone against their will, tracking, foster care child snatching up, White genocide? (80% of illegal opioid deaths were white, young and non-college educated)…. possible money laundering?
Nothing Sinister going on here! Where are the investigations into the fake Doctor prescribed opioid epidemic/war on chronic pain patients and their Physicians?
….More and More like the covert cover up disclosures of Gary Webb, Mike Ruppert, Tom Clancy Novels!
Illegal Heroin, Illegal Fentanyl deliberately concentrated into the US by whom and for what purpose?
Where are the investigations into who really planned orchestrated, implemented this and why are they not being held accountable and responsible…Never was Doctor Prescribed Opioids…why the lies, cover ups and still being perpetuated and not corrected? This shit doesn't happen by chance or just for profits.
Who has the most experience and expertise in drug epidemics…The Drug Dealing Departments of the CIA? Same suspicious characters, Obama, Obamas' Administration, Clintons, Mueller, Brennan, etc. & perhaps previous Bush Administrations influence/involvement? H'mmm, Dick Cheney even received a heart transplant at this time.
Canada: Opioid overdoses could be factor in growing number of donor organs: B.C. Experts
Amid the growing death toll of Canada’s ongoing opioid epidemic, there’s evidence of a correlating increase in the number of healthy human organs available for transplant.
Canada: As death tolls rise, opioid crisis makes more organs available for transplant In Alberta, 25 per cent of deceased organ donors in 2017 died from a drug overdose. That’s up from 17 per cent in 2016 and 10 per cent in 2015.
UK: Record number of organ donors and highest increase in 28 years
Latest figures for the end of the financial year show there were 1,575 deceased donors during 2017/18, an 11% increase on the previous financial year. It is the highest ever number of donors in the UK. There were 162 more deceased donors than the previous year, the highest year on year increase in 28 years.
ALERT: UPDATE: On 5 August 2018, the government announced plans to change the law on consent for organ donation in England. The new ‘opt-out’ system is expected to come into effect in 2020. The legislation, known as Max’s Law, will mean that people will be presumed to consent to donating their organs unless they register their decision to opt-out on the NHS organ donation register.
Problem is spreading across the pond to the UK. Last month, data released by the Office for National Statistics showed that the number of deaths linked to synthetic opioid called fentanyl had increased by 29% in the UK in a year.
Fentanyl crisis: Is China a major source of illegal drugs?
Health statistics from Canada show that last year, 72% of deaths related to opioid abuse were believed to involve fentanyl or related substances - up from 55% in 2016. The China connection.
In October 2017, the US authorities announced the first ever indictments against two Chinese individuals for conspiracy "to distribute large quantities" of fentanyl as well as other opioids.
Katherine Pfaff, spokesperson for the US Drug Enforcement Agency, told the BBC that interceptions from the US postal system, information from people on the ground, and tracking cyber footprints, leads them to believe a "significant amount" comes from China.
Part 2
Were The Illegal Heroin, Illegal Fentanyl Overdose Deaths In The US, Canada, Australia & Europe Which Resulted In An Overwhelming Increase In Organ Donations/Organ Harvesting, Planned And Implemented By Obama, Clinton, Clinton Foundation, CIA, In Collaboration With China? Cabal/Deep State?
Possibility of Obama, Clinton, CIA, etc. government protected illegal opioid trafficking, open border invasion for votes, distraction for what purpose? Govt inside involvement, implementation, disinformation campaign by multiple agencies, govt, media, criminal gross negligence homicides? For multiple purposes…for fleecing the taxpayers Billions…perhaps trillion in profits with organ harvesting/donations/any illegal?, erosion of civil rights, asset seizures, kick backs in forms of political campaign contributions, destabilization? other fraud?, gun confiscations, 37 states pass laws to make it easier to commit someone against their will, tracking, foster care child snatching up, White genocide? (80% of illegal opioid deaths were white, young and non-college educated)…. possible money laundering?
Nothing Sinister going on here! Where are the investigations into the fake Doctor prescribed opioid epidemic/war on chronic pain patients and their Physicians?
….More and More like the covert cover up disclosures of Gary Webb, Mike Ruppert, Tom Clancy Novels!
In October 2017, the US authorities announced the first ever indictments against two Chinese individuals for conspiracy "to distribute large quantities" of fentanyl as well as other opioids.
Katherine Pfaff, spokesperson for the US Drug Enforcement Agency, told the BBC that interceptions from the US postal system, information from people on the ground, and tracking cyber footprints, leads them to believe a "significant amount" comes from China.
The European drug monitoring agency report states: "It appears that most shipments of new fentanyls coming into Europe originate from companies based in China." However, it added that there have also been some examples of illegal production by laboratories in Europe.
Europe's drug monitoring agency the EMCDDA, which covers the EU plus Turkey and Norway, said in a report this year that "the number of synthetic opioids has grown rapidly in Europe since the first substance was reported in 2009".
The other problem is that as more controls are introduced, new chemical substances are produced to get around them.
"The lessons from other countries suggest that effective regulation and enforcement does not ensure the absence of an illicit market," adds Collins.
"In the presence of a demand, supply finds a way."
Other countries where opioid use has also spiked, such as Canada and Australia, are experimenting with different policies.
Fentanyl misuse in the UK: will we see a surge in deaths?
Europe's silent opioid epidemic: Researchers are trying to get a handle on the scale of the problem in Europe.
The violence committed by moslems are muted by their government…and I'm betting NZ's government is just as bad…Thousands of women raped, but nothing is done about it. Thousands of children molested by moslems and nothing is done about it….acid attacks, etc.
Sweden's violent reality is undoing a peaceful self-image – POLITICO
Gang-related gun murders, now mainly a phenomenon among men with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s parallel societies, increased from 4 per year in the early 1990s to around 40 last year. Because of this, Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having homicide rates significantly above the Western European average. Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first res ponders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon.
Shootings in the country have become so common that they don’t make top headlines anymore, unless they are spectacular or lead to fatalities. News of attacks are quickly replaced with headlines about sports events and celebrities, as readers have become desensitized to the violence. A generation ago, bombings against the police and riots were extremely rare events. Today, reading about such incidents is considered part of daily life.
Swedish government has launched an international campaign for “the image of Sweden” playing down the rise in crime, both in its media strategy and through tax-funded PR campaigns. Denial of no-go zones
This is the attitude of a growing pop. of moslem men…
Australian Muslim leader compares uncovered women to exposed meat
A senior Muslim cleric in Australia has sparked a furore by comparing women who do not wear a headscarf to "uncovered meat", implying that they invited sexual assault.
Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali delivered his comments in a religious address on adultery to around 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, but they only came to the attention of the wider public when they were published in the Australian paper today.
The paper also reported that Sheik Hilali alluded in his sermon to the gang rapes in Sydney of six years ago, suggesting the attackers were not entirely to blame.
While not specifically referring to the attacks on four women. Australia's 300,000 Muslims
Sexual assault: How common is it in Australia?
Australia has one of the highest rates of reported sexual assault in the world, but support workers say the number of offenders facing court and receiving prison sentences is too low.
Australia has one of the highest rates of reported sexual assault in the world, at almost 92 people per 100,000 of the population, according to the United Nations. Another survey has quoted the Australian rate at more than double the global average.
New Zealand has a dark secret, female politicians say
New Zealand, the southern Pacific island chain known for being the stunning backdrop for The Lord of the Rings films, has an unpleasant truth to contend with: its rates of sexual violence and assault appear to be shockingly high. According to a comparative study of 56 countries in British medical journal The Lancet, New Zealand ranks third (alongside Australia) in terms of reports of sexual assault among women 15 or older.
It came during a heated discussion over New Zealand citizens detained in Australia for immigration violations and whether they should be allowed back. Some of the detainees have criminal records, and Key argued that getting them home from Australia was not the government’s first priority. The opposition argued Key wasn’t protecting New Zealand citizens. Key retorted: “You back the rapists.”
Weinstein Scandal Exposes Disney for Giving Convicted Pedophile Access to Kids as Film Director
Victor Salva
Brian Peck
Police Uncover Massive Pedophile Ring At Disney World - News Punchhttps://newspunch.com › News
Build The "WALL' not slats like you promised!
Give ICE, Border Patrol and Law Enforcement Everything they need to STOP EVERY ILLEGAL FROM CROSSING OUR BORDERS!
4 Stages of Islamic Conquest
Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.
First migration wave to non-Muslim “host” country.
-Appeal for humanitarian tolerance from the host society.
-Attempts to portray Islam as a peaceful & -Muslims as victims of misunderstanding and racism (even though Islam is not a ‘race’).
-High Muslim birth rate in host country increase Muslim population.
-Mosques used to spread Islam and dislike of host country & culture.
-Calls to criminalize “Islamophobia” as a hate crime.
-Threatened legal action for perceived discrimination.
-Offers of “interfaith dialogue” to indoctrinate non-Muslims.
-How many nations are suffering from Islamic infiltration? One? A handful? Nearly every nation? The Islamic ‘leadership” of the Muslim Brotherhood and others wish to dissolve each nation’s sovereignty and replace it with the global imposition of Islamic sharia law. Sharia law, based on the koran, sira and hadith, condemns liberty and forbids equality and is inconsistent with the laws of all Western nations. As the author and historian Serge Trifkovic states:
“The refusal of the Western elite class to protect their nations from jihadist infiltration is the biggest betrayal in history.”
-Muslim immigrants and host country converts continue demands for accommodation in employment, education, social services, financing and courts.
-Proselytizing increases; Establishment and Recruitment of Jihadi cells.
-Efforts to convert alienated segments of the population to Islam.
-Revisionist efforts to Islamize history.
-Efforts to destroy historic evidence that reveal true Islamism.
-Increased anti-western propaganda and psychological warfare.
-Efforts to recruit allies who share similar goals (communists, anarchists).
-Attempts to indoctrinate children to Islamist viewpoint.
-Increased efforts to intimidate, silence and eliminate non-Muslims.
-Efforts to introduce blasphemy and hate laws in order to silence critics.
-Continued focus on enlarging Muslim population by increasing Muslim births and immigration.
-Use of charities to recruit supporters and fund jihad.
-Covert efforts to bring about the destruction of host society from within.
-Development of Muslim political base in non–Muslim host society.
-Islamic Financial networks fund political growth, acquisition of land.
-Highly visible assassination of critics aimed to intimidate opposition.
-Tolerance of non-Muslims diminishes.
-Greater demands to adopt strict Islamic conduct.
-Clandestine amassing of weapons and explosives in hidden locations.
-Overt disregard/rejection of non-Muslim society’s legal system, culture.
-Efforts to undermine and destroy power base of non-Muslim religions including and especially Jews and Christians.
-Is there a pattern here? Theo van Gogh is murdered in the Netherlands for ‘insulting’ Islam; the Organization of the Islamic Conference demands ‘anti-blasphemy’ laws through the United Nations; France is set afire regularly by ‘youths’ (read Muslims); the rise of (dis-) honor killings…holocaust denial…anti-Semitism…deception re the tenets of Islam; hatred toward Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists. The pattern for all to see is the rise of Islamic intolerance and the covert/cultural jihad to remake host societies into sharia-compliant worlds – to remove host sovereignty and replace it with Islamic sharia law. Sharia law that condemns earthly liberty and individual freedom, that forbids equality among faiths and between the sexes, that rejects the concept of nations outside the global house of Islam, that of dar al-Islam.
The 4 Stages of Islamic Conquest is also available in pdf format for easy sharing as part of “Liberty vs Sharia”
-Open violence to impose Sharia law and associated cultural restrictions; rejection of host government, subjugation of other religions and customs.
-Intentional efforts to undermine the host government & culture.
-Acts of barbarity to intimidate citizens and foster fear and submission.
-Open and covert efforts to cause economic collapse of the society.
-All opposition is challenged and either eradicated or silenced.
-Mass execution of non-Muslims.
-Widespread ethnic cleansing by Islamic militias.
-Rejection and defiance of host society secular laws or culture.
-Murder of “moderate” Muslim intellectuals who don’t support Islamization.
-Destruction of churches, synagogues and other non-Muslim institutions.
-Women are restricted further in accordance with Sharia law.
-Large-scale destruction of population, assassinations, bombings.
-Toppling of government and usurpation of political power.
-Imposition of Sharia law
The website www.thereligionofpeace.com keeps track of the number of violent jihad attacks as best it can. The site lists more than 14,000 attacks since September 2001. It is worth a visit. What is occurring, however, that is likely inestimable are events where muslims are bullied by other muslims for not being “muslim enough,” where non-Muslims are intimidated into doing or not doing what they desire, where remnant populations are in a death spiral simply for being non-muslim in a predominantly muslim area. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists Animists and Atheists meet with death, property destruction or confiscation, forced conversion, rape, excessive taxation (the jizya), enslavement, riotous mobs and various other forms of islam (in-) justice at the hands of muslims in Sudan, Philippines, Kenya, Malaysia, India, etc. And let us not forget ‘death to Apostates’ the world over.
Islam becomes the only religious-political-judicial-cultural ideology.
-Sharia becomes the “law of the land.
-All non-Islamic human rights cancelled.
-Enslavement and genocide of non-Muslim population.
-Freedom of speech and the press eradicated.
-All religions other than Islam are forbidden and destroyed.
-Destruction of all evidence of non-Muslim culture, populations and symbols in country (Buddhas, houses of worship, art, etc).
-The House of Islam (“peace”), dar al-Islam, includes those nations that have submitted to Islamic rule, to the soul crushing, liberty-condemning, discriminatory law of Sharia. The rest of the world in in the House of War, dar al-harb, because it does not submit to Sharia, and exists in a state of rebellion or war with the will of ‘Allah.’ No non-Muslim state or its citizens are “innocent,” and remain viable targets of war for not believing in ‘Allah.’ The Christian, Jewish, Coptic, Hindu and Zoroastrian peoples of world have suffered under subjugation for centuries. The Dhimmi-esque are forbidden to construct houses of worship or repair existing ones, economically crippled by the heavy jizya (tax), socially humiliated, legally discriminated against, criminally targeted and generally kept in a permanent state of weakness, fear and vulnerability by Islamic governments.
It should be noted that forced conversions (Egypt) and slavery (Sudan) are still reported. Homosexuals have been hung in the public square in Iran. Young girls are married to old men. Apostates are threatened with death. “Honor” killings are routine. Women are legally second-class citizens, though Muslim males insist they are “treated better” than in the West. These more obvious manifestations may distract from some less obvious ones such as the lack of intellectual inquiry in science, narrow scope of writing, all but non-existent art and music, sexual use and abuse of youth and women, and the disregard for personal fulfillment, joy and wonder. Look into the eyes of a recently married 12 year old girl to see the consequence of the moral deprivation spawned by Islam.
The 4 Stages of Islamic Conquest is also available in pdf format for easy sharing as part of “Liberty vs Sharia”
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will not divulge the number of New Zealand citizens currently in the Syria conflict zone.
"There are a small number of New Zealand citizens – some of whom are dual citizens – who could be there. For national security reasons, we are not prepared to be more explicit about that."
~~In 2015, Kitteridge told Key there was "presumably" a rise in the number of New Zealand women travelling to the Syria and Iraq to become Jihadi brides.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern refuses to comment on NZ official who spoke to Kiwi jihadist Mark Taylor.
She said no contact had been made with Mr Taylor since he was detained by Kurdish forces, despite his claim to have spoken to security officials.
Reporter said Mr Taylor also told him he had spoken with New Zealand representatives since his arrest in December. "He said shortly after his arrest he was spoken to by New Zealand intelligence officials on the ground here.
"The Prime Minister has confirmed New Zealand won't make "Kiwi Jihadi" Mark Taylor stateless, however he is without a passport and will find obtaining one logistically difficult.
That was largely because he was being held captive in Syria by Kurdish forces, and it was up to him to try to find consular support.
New Zealand does not have a diplomatic presence in Syria.
The Minister Andrew Little, who's responsible for the country's spying agencies, the Security Service and the GCSB, wasn't any more forthcoming.
In spite of his terrorist connections, Taylor had been an avid social media user. In the past, he has used his online accounts to announce he'd burned his New Zealand passport and to encourage others to wage jihad on Anzac Day.
In 2015, he accidentally gave away the coordinates of Islamic State fighters on Twitter, earning him global notoriety as the "bumbling jihadi".
Mark Taylor: 'Kiwi Jihadi' hopes to come home to NZ and start a cannabis business.
"He didn't have regrets about joining ISIS, he had regrets about how that had subsequently turned out for him later."
MacDiarmid said Taylor seemed surprised by that response. However he also said Taylor didn't seem to understand the magnitude of the situation he was in.
"He actually said he felt “stabbed in the back” because apparently he's been in touch with New Zealand intelligence," MacDiarmid said.
Taylor claimed that intelligence had previously been urging him to leave ISIS.
"I think he assumed that once he left, he could expect some kind of assistance to get him back to New Zealand."
Another Operation Hogg Wash?
Feb 24, 2018 - SHOCKER: CNN's high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta's Center for American Progress.
Christchurch mosque shootings: Accused gunman sent manifesto to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's office before attack
The Prime Minister's Office has confirmed it received a copy of a "manifesto" from the alleged gunman less than 10 minutes before the attacks began on Friday - along with about 70 other recipients.
Other politicians on the mailing list included National leader Simon Bridges and Parliament's Speaker Trevor Mallard.
Most of the other recipients were media, both domestic and international, a spokesman for Jacinda Ardern confirmed. The Herald was not listed among recipients.
It had been framed as though events had occurred, he said.
"The mail was setting his reasons for doing it. He didn't say this is what I am about to do. There was no opportunity to stop it."
The email had gone to Ardern's generic address.
The spokesman said that it was an email account managed by Ardern's office and not one she personally receives.
The person in the Prime Minister's Office who opened the email followed standard procedure and referred it to Parliamentary security.
Security then referred it to the police.
The email for Parliamentary tour desk had also received it.
Ardern would not be releasing its contents, the time it was received or even what was in the subject line.
"It does not set out what he was about to do. It was written as if it had occurred, to explain what obviously was about to play out."
The Herald has chosen to not report the manifesto's contents.
Yes John "Feel The Pain Pedo" Podesta was in New Zealand " juicy Target"
I sincerely hope that Pres. Trump also uses this for JFK assassination release of classified material, 911 and Obama's records college, birth, etc. etc,
Accused gunman sent manifesto to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's office before attack
Prime Minister Jacinda “hijab” Ardern refuses to comment on NZ official who spoke to Kiwi jihadist Mark Taylor along with about 70 other recipients…. less than 10 minutes before the attacks began on Friday
John Podesta was there 5 days earlier, Hillary also there previously visiting the NZ PM…now a previous visit by Parkland students…Putrid Fishy Smell (Shooter in Pakistan, NK and commented on having political views most like China's…China China China or Mossad, Mossad, Mossad?
Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.
Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub
$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016
The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.
Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.
Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
https://www.opdeepstate.com › News
Feb 24, 2018 - SHOCKER: CNN's high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta's Center for American Progress.
One World Adoption Services Inc /Life Through Surrogacy, Inc.
John Podesta's 'Center For American Progress'
March for our lives
Parkland / 911 hijackers/ other suspicious deaths linked to Broward Coward County & Dems.
Clinton Foundation
Election Fraud
Obama's U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans “The North Korean Child
Welfare Act of 2012 “https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/13/us/north-korea-adoption/index.html
Accused gunman sent manifesto to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's office before attack
Prime Minister Jacinda “hijab” Ardern refuses to comment on NZ official who spoke to Kiwi jihadist Mark Taylor along with about 70 other recipients…. less than 10 minutes before the attacks began on Friday
John Podesta was there 5 days earlier, Hillary also there previously visiting the NZ PM…now a previous visit by Parkland students…Putrid Fishy Smell (Shooter in Pakistan, NK and commented on having political views most like China's…China China China or Mossad, Mossad, Mossad?
Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.
Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub
$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016
The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.
Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.
Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
https://www.opdeepstate.com › News
Feb 24, 2018 - SHOCKER: CNN's high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta's Center for American Progress.
One World Adoption Services Inc /Life Through Surrogacy, Inc.
John Podesta's 'Center For American Progress'
March for our lives
Parkland / 911 hijackers/ other suspicious deaths linked to Broward Coward County & Dems.
Clinton Foundation
Election Fraud
Obama's U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans “The North Korean Child
Welfare Act of 2012 “https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/13/us/north-korea-adoption/index.html
Accused gunman sent manifesto to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's office before attack
Prime Minister Jacinda “hijab” Ardern refuses to comment on NZ official who spoke to Kiwi jihadist Mark Taylor along with about 70 other recipients…. less than 10 minutes before the attacks began on Friday
John Podesta was there 5 days earlier, Hillary also there previously visiting the NZ PM…now a previous visit by Parkland students…Putrid Fishy Smell (Shooter in Pakistan, NK and commented on having political views most like China's…China China China or Mossad, Mossad, Mossad?
Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.
Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub
$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016
The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.
Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.
Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
https://www.opdeepstate.com › News
Feb 24, 2018 - SHOCKER: CNN's high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta's Center for American Progress.
One World Adoption Services Inc /Life Through Surrogacy, Inc.
John Podesta's 'Center For American Progress'
March for our lives
Parkland / 911 hijackers/ other suspicious deaths linked to Broward Coward County & Dems.
Clinton Foundation
Election Fraud
Obama's U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans “The North Korean Child
Welfare Act of 2012 “https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/13/us/north-korea-adoption/index.html
New Zealand…China, China, China or more like Mossad, Mossad, Mossad…
Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.
Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub
$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016
The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.
Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.
Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
SICKENING: Taking Your Rights Away & Your Right To Defend Yourself, Even If You've Never Committed A Crime!
New Laws Force Drug Users Into Rehab Against Their Will~2017
Her only “crime,” Debra Hicks says, was having a bad reaction to her doctor-prescribed opioid medication. And a psychiatrist she’d never met involuntary committed her
Hicks claims she had been placed in five-point restraints and “forcibly and unwillingly subjected to the use of strong antipsychotic medications”
When Hicks attempted to leave the hospital—a full 24 hours after being released from the ER—she was chased down and brought back by local police and hospital security guards.
According to the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws, 37 states already have statutes that allow substance abusers who have not committed a crime to be briefly detained against their will. In most cases the legal bar is high. Passing a new measure that allows individuals with substance abuse problems to be held up to 90 days against their will. Some with just "reasonable cause".
Meanwhile, detaining a person who has committed no crime based on what they might do in the future has potentially severe long-term repercussions.
“Involuntary commitment gives someone a lifelong marker that interferes with their ability to get health care coverage or OWN A FIREARM, and it could prevent them from getting certain jobs, like federal employment,” said Mary Catherine Roper, of the the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.
Once a civil commitment is on a person’s record, Roper says, it’s nearly impossible to get it expunged.
"The Snake Pit", not just a fictitious movie anymore! Things just got scarier!
These insane laws have to be removed and our rights restored. Erosion of our Constitutional, Civil & Bill of rights, by one bill passed at a time.
I agree that's the #1 reason it was done now…and they will never stop at removing rights, freedoms and guns.
Or Both…they are desperate!
Foreign-born terrorists who entered the country, either as immigrants or tourists, were responsible for 88 percent (or 3,024) of the 3,432 murders caused by terrorists on U.S. soil from 1975 through the end of 2015. This paper presents the first terrorism risk analysis of the visa categories those foreign-born terrorists used to enter the United States.
This is why the left purposely omits 911 from any of their biased stats. They love fabrications of the truth to perpetuate their agenda.
2,977 victims, at least 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths from the burning towers. Plus a total of 411 emergency workers died as they tried to rescue people and fight fires. Including those that perished at the Pentagon. Nor can we forget the wounded or those that died years later due to their injuries on 9/11.
And 57,614 dead or wounded brave men and women of our Armed Forces. True Red White & Blue Americans will never forget them.
Many dealers use pill presses to make counterfeit OxyContin or Vicodin pills and trick non-medical users into thinking they are buying the real thing.
That’s how Prince died. The singer/songwriter abused Vicodin. Records show he never got prescriptions from doctors.
He died from ingesting counterfeit Vicodin pills he obtained on the black market that turned out to be fentanyl.
Policymakers & the main stream media remain fixated on the false narrative that the overdose crisis is the result of doctors overprescribing opioids to their patients in pain.
Prince’s tragic death actually typifies what is really happening.
The overdose crisis has always been primarily due to non-medical users accessing drugs in the dangerous black market that results from drug prohibition. While some unethical and unscrupulous doctors used their medical degrees to disguise their drug dealing operations in the form of “pill mills,” these were extreme exceptions to how doctors practice medicine and have been largely eradicated.
Yet their behavior played into the false narrative to which misguided policymakers stubbornly cling.
The prescription cutdown has made many pain patients suffer needlessly and cruelly. Some have turned to suicide. Others access the black market for substitutes like heroin or fentanyl.
THEY KNEW BACK IN 2009, that 78% of OxyContin abusers never received a Doctor's prescription for them and had purchased them illegally on the black market, as counterfeits.
Meanwhile, like a broken record, policymakers are intent on further reducing opioid prescriptions, as if that will do anything other than exacerbate matters. Forcing Chronic Pain Patients to live in Hell and are committing suicide. And Physicians are leaving their practice or dropping patients.
Columbia University researchers last month found evidence that the present restrictive opioid policy is not lowering overdose rates, but merely pushing non-medical users to more dangerous drugs, making patients suffer in the process. This comes after two earlier studies came to similar conclusions.
Doctors and patients are the wrong targets. Until drug prohibition is recognized as the culprit, don’t expect the death rate to go down.
Politicians, Policy Makers and MSM Torturing Patients & Their Doctors For Pure Profit! Absolutely Sickening and Disgusting!
When will the torture end?
-The overall mortality rate for prescription opioids is comparable to the fatality risk of one year of daily aspirin use! (From SAMHSA own 2017 estimates )
-In 2017, illegal heroin & Fentanyl accounted for more than three-fourths of all opioid overdose deaths.
The non-opioid antipsychotic drug Clozapine was found to have a sudden death rate of 0.71 percent for those treated with the drug in the sample …more dangerous than RX opioids!
Joshua T. Cohen and Peter J. Neumann, “What’s More Dangerous, Your Aspirin or Your Car? Thinking Rationally about Drug Risks (and Benefits),” Health Affairs 26, no. 3 (2007): 636-46. The authors find that daily aspirin use has a fatality risk of 10.4 per 100,000 person years, which translates to a 0.000104 fatality risk per year.
Our goal in this paper is to add to the policy debate about drug risks by comparing the mortality risks of common drugs with other risks people confront related to work, transportation, and recreation. Comparing risks in this way can provide a more intuitive sense of the magnitude of drug risks than stand-alone estimates can not.
To the Editor: Recently, we examined our current files to determine the incidence of narcotic addiction in 39,946 hospitalized medical patients' who were monitored consecutively.
Although there were 11,882 patients who received at least one narcotic preparation, there were only four cases of reasonably well documented addiction in patients who had a history of addiction. The addiction was considered major in only one instance. The drugs implicated were meperidine in two patients, Percodan in one, and hydromorphone in one.
"We conclude that despite widespread use of narcotic drugs in hospitals, the development of addiction is rare in medical patients with no history of addiction."
JANE PORTER & HERSHEL JICK, M.D. Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program Boston University Medical Center
1986 paper on the "chronic use of opioid analgesics in non-malignant pain" by Dr. Russell Portenoy and Kathy Foley in Pain, the official journal of the American Pain Society.
"We conclude that opioid maintenance therapy can be a safe, salutary and more humane alternative to the options of surgery or no treatment in those patients with intractable non-malignant pain and no history of drug abuse," Portenoy and Foley wrote.
Long-Term Use and Addiction
The claim that long-term medical use generates addiction is the opposite of the consensus that began to emerge in the 1980s, which held that long-term medical use rarely generates addiction. Proponents of the standard explanation argue that, in coming to this more benign view of opioids, physicians and pharmaceutical companies relied excessively on a 1980 letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, which stated:
Although there were 11,882 patients who received at least one narcotic preparation, there were only four cases of reasonably well documented addiction in patients who had no history of addiction. . . . We conclude that despite widespread use of narcotic drugs in hospitals, the development of addiction is rare in medical patients with no history of addiction.
Advocates of the standard view argue that this letter provided insufficient grounds for the conclusion that long-term opioid use poses little risk of addiction, noting the letter’s brevity and limited peer review.
Studies since the 1980s, however, have consistently found only a modest risk of addiction or dependence from the medical use of opioids, in the range of 0 to 5 percent.
== A 2018 study of more than 568,000 patients receiving opioids between 2008 and 2016 found a “misuse” rate of 0.6 percent.
Reports of opioid abuse did not increase in the 1990s despite increased medical use. A substantial fraction of patients who exhibit addiction after medical use have a preexisting psychological disease or history of addiction According to the medical handbook Clinical Drug Data,
“addiction does not occur when these drugs are used for legitimate painful conditions.” ==
Part 1 of 2
The Sauce…
Jane Porter and Hershel Jick, “Addiction Rare in Patients Treated with Narcotics,” New England Journal of Medicine 302, no. 2 (January 10, 1980): 123.
David A. Fishbain et al., “What Percentage of Chronic Nonmalignant Pain Patients Exposed to Chronic Opioid Analgesic Therapy Develop Abuse/Addiction and/or Aberrant Drug-Related Behaviors? A Structured Evidence-Based Review,” Pain Medicine 9, no. 4 (2007): 444-59.
Ilan Modai et al., “Sudden Death in Patients Receiving Clozapine Treatment: A Preliminary Investigation,” Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 20, no. 3 (2000): 325-27.
G. A. Brat et al., “Postsurgical Prescriptions for Opioid Naïve Patients and Associations with Overdose and Misuse: Retrospective Cohort Study,” BMJ 360 (January 17, 2018).
David E. Joranson et al., “Trends in Medical Use and Abuse of Opioid Analgesics,” JAMA 283, no. 13 (2000): 1710-714.
David A. Fishbain et al., “What Percentage of Chronic Nonmalignant Pain Patients Exposed to Chronic Opioid Analgesic Therapy Develop Abuse/Addiction and/or Aberrant Drug-Related Behaviors? A Structured Evidence-Based Review,” Pain Medicine 9, no. 4 (2007): 444-59.
Part 2 of 2
Ihan Omar Needs To Resign Immediately and prosecuted for multiple Fed & State crimes & Sent back! Enemy of the state with security clearance & on the US House Foreign Relations Committee.
13 days after the Benghazi (The #13 has a significant islamic meaning)
Muhammad's War Cry. "Allahu Akbar"
The Hamas Covenant or Hamas Charter, formally known in English as the Covenant of the … It emphasizes the importance of jihad, stating in article 13: Article 13 “There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer”.
Why does Ihan Omar have a security clearance? Why isn't she prosecuted for possible terrorism, immigration fraud, perjury, welfare fraud, tax fraud, student loan fraud, etc., etc.
EXCLUSIVE: Ilhan Omar And Keith Ellison Caught Encouraging Voter Fraud, "Vote Twice"
By Laura Loomer Feb 23, 2019
Newly obtained social media posts from the accounts of Ilhan Omar, who is currently serving as a Congresswoman for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, reveals that she and Keith Ellison, who currently serves as Minnesota's Attorney General, championed voter fraud by encouraging people in Minnesota to "Vote Twice".
(Moar in Article)
Miss “"Allahu Akbar" 13 days after Benghazi “ Ilhan Omar Wants GITMO returned to Cuba!
Ihan Omar Needs To Resign Immediately and prosecuted for multiple Fed, State crimes & Sent back! Enemy of the state with security clearance & on the US House Foreign Relations Committee.
Ilhan Omar traveled with anti-US group that supports Cuban, Venezuelan socialism, wants US to return Gitmo to Cuba
Rep. Ilhan Omar has attended a travel delegation to a South American country sponsored by a radical anti-American and anti-Israel organization that supports countries opposed to the U.S. and calls for the return of Guantanamo Naval Base to Cuba.
The Minnesota Democrat was accused of anti-Semitism after asserting that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a bipartisan group, was buying lawmakers.
She also grabbed headlines after first accusing the U.S. government of leading a coup against Venezuelan socialist tyrant Nicolas Maduro and then attempting to grill Elliott Abrams, the Trump administration's new special envoy for Venezuela.
Now it was revealed that she once traveled to Honduras with an organization called Witness for Peace, a group formed during the Reagan administration that opposed America’s actions in South America aimed at stopping the spread of communism.
“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I've returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017.
Shortly after the trip with the group, she began opposing U.S. military aid to Honduras and publicly called for the suspension of the funding.
Omar’s association with Witness for Peace may prompt more scrutiny of her suitability to serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee as the Witness for Peace organization and its leaders have supported the socialist regimes of Cuba and Venezuela and come out against the Jewish state, the Washington Free Beacon first revealed.
The group openly calls for the return of the “illegally occupied Guantanamo Naval Base to the Cuban people! And have organized travel delegations to Cuba, while calling Trump’s tougher policy towards the country as “the old unjust, counterproductive Cold War posture of past decades.”
Nearly $150,000 was also spent on other operating costs such as “supporting personnel in Cuba to facilitated delegations pursuant to people-to-people licenses issued by OFAC [Office of Foreign Assets Control].”
Ihan Omar Needs To Resign Immediately and prosecuted for multiple Fed & State crimes & Sent back! Enemy of the state with security clearance & on the US House Foreign Relations Committee.
13 days after the Benghazi (The #13 has a significant islamic meaning)
Muhammad's War Cry. "Allahu Akbar"
The Hamas Covenant or Hamas Charter, formally known in English as the Covenant of the … It emphasizes the importance of jihad, stating in article 13: Article 13 “There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer”.
Why does Ihan Omar have a security clearance? Why isn't she prosecuted for possible terrorism, immigration fraud, perjury, welfare fraud, tax fraud, student loan fraud, etc., etc.
EXCLUSIVE: Ilhan Omar And Keith Ellison Caught Encouraging Voter Fraud, "Vote Twice"
By Laura Loomer Feb 23, 2019
Newly obtained social media posts from the accounts of Ilhan Omar, who is currently serving as a Congresswoman for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, reveals that she and Keith Ellison, who currently serves as Minnesota's Attorney General, championed voter fraud by encouraging people in Minnesota to "Vote Twice".
(Moar in Article)
Miss “"Allahu Akbar" 13 days after Benghazi “ Ilhan Omar Wants GITMO returned to Cuba!
Ihan Omar Needs To Resign Immediately and prosecuted for multiple Fed, State crimes & Sent back! Enemy of the state with security clearance & on the US House Foreign Relations Committee.
Ilhan Omar traveled with anti-US group that supports Cuban, Venezuelan socialism, wants US to return Gitmo to Cuba
Rep. Ilhan Omar has attended a travel delegation to a South American country sponsored by a radical anti-American and anti-Israel organization that supports countries opposed to the U.S. and calls for the return of Guantanamo Naval Base to Cuba.
The Minnesota Democrat was accused of anti-Semitism after asserting that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a bipartisan group, was buying lawmakers.
She also grabbed headlines after first accusing the U.S. government of leading a coup against Venezuelan socialist tyrant Nicolas Maduro and then attempting to grill Elliott Abrams, the Trump administration's new special envoy for Venezuela.
"Jacinda Ardern had tough words for social media companies after Friday's terror attack: "We cannot simply sit back and accept that these platforms just exist and that what is said on them is not the responsibility of the place where they are published.""
NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern refuses to accept any responsibility for her first priority, the safety of her citizens!
How ironic that New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern refuses to accept ANY RESPONSIBILTY for the terror attacks UNDER HER WATCH or for the Rampant Atrocities, Crimes, Rapes and Violence committed by radical moslems that she purposely has let into her country.
She turns a complete blind eye to the escalating violence that she has brought into her country by her own negligent immigration policies.
NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern refuses to accept any responsibility for her first priority, the safety of her citizens!
How ironic that New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern refuses to accept ANY RESPONSIBILITY for the terror attacks UNDER HER WATCH or for the Horrid Atrocities, Crimes, Rapes and Violence committed by radical moslems that she purposely has let into her country.
She turns a complete blind eye to the escalating violence that she has brought into her country by her own negligent immigration policies.
"Jacinda Ardern had tough words for social media companies after Friday's terror attack: "We cannot simply sit back and accept that these platforms just exist and that what is said on them is not the responsibility of the place where they are published."
Call it what it really is!
STOP the Lies!
It is and always was an illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl flooding of the USA.
Not a Doctor prescribed opioid epidemic!
Follow the money and who is profiting by restricting Doctors from prescribing pain meds to their patients with chronic pain!
Rachel Chandler has the good on them all…proofs…A Real National Security Issue…not just the USA-Obama Clintons…but also other countries' leaders.
-Who owns Instagram? #Facebook does. So now facebook is not on only liable for hosting #ChildPornography but also for #HumanTrafficking.
Jared Leto tied to Haiti (heroin dealer?) Sarah Hoover and Tom Sachs
Mission Blue…Directed and Produced by Robert Nixon/Maggie Nixon
#NeckerIsland, which Mr. Branson owns (also owns Mosquito island), is part of what is known as the Virgin Islands. A bunch of little islands between the Caribbean and North Atlantic sea. Right next to #Haiti, Dom. Republic, Puerto Rico & Venezuela on the south. #QAnon… t.co/2CsqhA312L"
Is there also proof on "so called deleted" instagram & facebook kept data….
This is insane!
-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.
-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.
-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.
-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
-Innocent Physicians just treating their patients' pain successfully, INSANE INJUSTICE!
This is Insane!
Why do we have physicians in prison for helping pain patients relieve their pain, successfully and without addiction…..
but we have illegal immigrants running around free that were caught at the border?
Fabricated Tech Bubble Created for profit, Fabricated Housing Bubble created for profit & NOW a Fabricated RX Opioid crisis Created and Perpetuated for Profit.
Just imagine the "Kick Backs" in the form of Campaign Contributions, PACS and the $$$ Amount to the politicians, & why they won't or have any desire to fix it.
FACT: The harder it becomes to get RX Opioids, the more people flock to illegal heroin and fentanyl.
FACT: To build a demand for a product, restrict it's supply
FACT: It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from illegal heroin/fentanyl, not physician prescribed pain pills.
THEY KNEW BACK IN 2009, that 78% of OxyContin abusers never received a Doctor's prescription for them and had purchased them illegally on the black market, as counterfeits.
Meanwhile, like a broken record, policymakers are intent on further reducing opioid prescriptions, as if that will do anything other than exacerbate matters. Forcing Chronic Pain Patients to live in HeII, buy them illegally or commit suicide. And Physicians are leaving their practice or dropping patients.
The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!
First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.
Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupis, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,
etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exasperates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.
There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.
Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately. Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary. Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
we did not vote for prohibition,
we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
invasion of our privacy,
absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
to be dropped by our doctors,
to worsen our medical conditions,
to be treated like drug addicts,
to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.