We know there is a possibility Obama gave out a multitude of secret pardons upon leaving the WH.
What if Mueller's meeting with Trump prior to the Special Counsel included a pardon from him (and maybe RR) as well?
If so, what if that pardon led Mueller and therefore RR as well, to think Trump is a dummy and not really going to actually drain the swamp? (All while the real work we know was being done by Huber and OIG.) But just in case Trump won't be controlled they are going to control him by indicting his kids in order to control or force him to step down. And in return, Mueller and RR re-incriminated themselves within the parameters of the Special Counsel- for instance, indictments under false pretenses, and I am sure there are more unethical/illegal actions that went on with the Angry Dems, which in return nullified a Trump pardon are not covered under the pardon.
Mueller/RR are black hats who thought they had a free pass.
They were set up.