Anonymous ID: 4f1604 March 12, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.5643016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3044


Hey shills, I want to join your team! Two questions: Where do I pick up and my check, and do you let white people join?


Joking aside, I need to be a concernfag for a minute. I’m tired of the whole “let’s show how not-racist we are so that Democrats will like us.” Will you faggots please stop trying to get liberals to like you? They’re mentally ill, you will NEVER be anything more than a Nazi to them. Even if you went back in time and killed Hitler, you would never be accepted by libtards and praised for your goodness. Stop trying to court their favor you dumb boomers. If you do anything to preserve civilization then you are evil by their definition of evil. It’s as simple as that.


I’ve been going through a “dark night of the soul” ever since CPAC. So far we’ve given a record amount of concessions to Israel (who hates us), we’re going to hand out more visas to Mexicans (who hate us) so wages for normal people will be kept competitive and low, we’ve got a bill getting more black drug dealers (who hate us) out of prison and back on the streets, and I can’t debate with any of the Yang Gang who are going nuts for their thousand bucks, because what do we have? And by “we” I mean white people, the people who supported Trump, the people who risked losing their friends and even family over this fight.


You dummies had your Blexit, you put in the hours getting black people excited about voting Republican rather than looting the treasury like every dumb Commie wants to do, and for what? We got blacks voting for Democrats down to 90%, a record low, good job.


I realize Q can’t say anything about stopping Israel because the Jews actually are just as dangerous as Ilhan Omar says, but modern Republicans are looking so cucked over race and about Israel in particular that I’m starting to wonder if everyone on this movement but me is an Israel First slave.


White people need help. We’re not going to be around much longer at the rate things are going. Since the time we’re babies they set us in front of the TV so we can watch programming about how evil white people are, and then we go to school and get indoctrinated by libtard teachers year after year after year until finally we just stop having babies and go to our graves explaining to everyone that we’re not racist and we’re not anti-Semitic. I don’t hate anyone but God damn it even if Q team roots out the corruption in government, what does it matter if the entire world is a low IQ third-world slum?


Anyway I was joking about being a shill. I pray for the day when the shills find their checks cut off and they have to lift boxes for a living like I do. I just had to get this off my chest, and I felt justified doing it because I thought maybe others might be feeling the same, especially since the red carpet has been rolled out yet again for Israel. Ultimately I will always root for Q because this seems to be the only organized fight against the swamp… even if it is led by boomers who love Israel more than they love white Trump supporters!