Anonymous ID: 8dad0c March 12, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.5645051   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that he had limited contacts with Michael Cohen, remarks that aimed to push back against GOP allegations Democrats met extensively with Cohen ahead of his scheduled testimony.


Schiff (D-Calif.) told reporters during a Christian Science Monitor Breakfast that there was a “brief phone call” with Cohen, his staff and his attorneys, in which the lawmaker says he worked to convince the president's former personal lawyer to testify voluntarily, rather than under a subpoena.


"I had a brief phone call with my staff, Mr. Cohen and his attorneys to encourage him to come and testify voluntarily and to try to allay the concerns that he had with the threats that he was receiving from the president, from the president's allies in the Congress and outside the Congress," Schiff said.


"We had a great desire to have him come in voluntarily, not under subpoena. If it were necessary to subpoena him, then there's always the risk that the witness decides not to cooperate to take the Fifth or not provide the information that's very pertinent investigation," Schiff continued, noting that “proffer sessions are done in every credible investigation.”


The California Democrat also went after Republicans, accusing President Trump and Reps. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) of pushing out a “false narrative” that he had spent 10 hours meeting with Cohen.


Republicans have alleged that Democrats knew ahead of time what the president’s former personal lawyer was planning to testify to on Capitol Hill, voicing concern of cooperation — and even coaching — between Cohen and the committee majorities.


Democrats have strongly rejected these claims, stating that meeting in advance with potential witnesses is standard practice for committees conducting investigations.


"Now several Republicans, Mr. Meadows, Jordan, the president and others have pushed out this false narrative that I spent 10 hours with Mr. Cohen. That's simply not true and they know it's not true, but it makes for good Fox [News] pundit commentary and so they have pushed out this falsehood," Schiff said.


Lanny Davis, a spokesman and attorney for Cohen, told The Hill on Monday that Schiff “did not” attend the pre-testimony interviews and adding that “Mr. Meadows is in the habit of accusing first [and looking] for facts second.”


Despite denials, Republicans appeared to escalate their attacks on Tuesday against Schiff, claiming he may have met with Cohen for as long as 14 hours.


Meadows said he believes there is little difference between Schiff attending personally, or his staff attending these meetings at the chairman's direction.


"Proffer sessions can certainly be commonplace, however, coordinated meetings that allegedly have lasted as much as 14 hours to address potential questions is certainly not in keeping in an open and transparent oversight process," Meadows told The Hill Tuesday.


"The concern that some of us have that members of the Oversight Committee requested a transcribed interview of Mr. Cohen before his public testimony was given and we were denied that opportunity," he continued.


When pressed how he went from 10 hours to claiming as much as 14 hours, Meadows pointed broadly to press reports.


Other conservative lawmakers have also seized on this matter.


"Why did [Schiff] say that his talks with Michael Cohen were limited to inviting him and allaying any concerns about threats to his family—but NOT mention the 14 hours his staff spent prepping Cohen BEFORE the hearing?" tweeted Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Anonymous ID: 8dad0c March 12, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.5645224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If anyone you know is suffering from symptoms below, offer emotional support now. 2020 may be too late. If in the presence of Alyssa Milano or CNN staff, don't mention the word “collusion,” speak no Russian, don't carry an orange.


The following scientific taxonomy simply identifies those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Congress is currently investing in progressive research into a cure known as impeachment, but no permanent remedies are expected to be available for 18 months, at least.

Grandiose delusions


TDS sufferers are not Democrat supporters in temporary political opposition, they are the Resistance.


- Build a wall, we'll tear it down!

- Build a Dictatorship, we'll tear it apart!

- Build a Lie, we'll debunk it!

- Build a Cult, we'll defuse it!

- Build an Environment of Hate, we'll create an Environment of Love!


We are the Resistance!

We will REBUILD America!

We will RESIST!

— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) March 9, 2019


We shall overcome

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) March 3, 2019


Some ask me why I wear my white coat during my YouTube videos. First of all, I earned it by graduating at the top of my medical school class with nearly all honors. Nobody can erase that. Secondly, it’s a symbol of protest that we live in a country where speaking out has a cost.

— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) March 1, 2019


Compulsive revenge fantasies


Trump is not going to be beaten in an election. He is going to be impeached. He is going to be spending his last years in a jumpsuit as orange as his face. His heart will explode.


Donald Trump's day so far:


- His campaign manager Paul Manafort just got sent to prison

- The other judge will tack on an additional ten years

- Trump continues to be dismantled by the day

- We're closer to ousting him than ever

- Trump is going to prison

- It's still only 10pm

— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) March 8, 2019

