Anonymous ID: bea1b1 March 12, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.5644992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5001 >>5005 >>5011 >>5132

Some folks on this board are retarded. It's no wonder Q's narrative is so successful.


'Jesus' is not your savior. You're worshipping Horus. You know, the Egyptian cult of 'the dying god', the guy who performed all those 'miracles' thousands of years before some Jews in the desert started talking about a 'messiah', and long before elites co-opted and contorted it into the joke of 'Christianity'. These people are weak-minded and inherently unstable.


'Q' is not your 'savior', either, nor is POTUS. FFS, listen to yourselves.


Fox News is an establishment mouthpiece. No Murdoxh product will be feeding you 'revelations' any time soon. Everything printed or shot is pre-screened, scripted, and cleared. Were you folks born yesterday?


And for the love of all things decent, stop with the revisionist 'Reagan as hero' bs. He presided over GHWB running his own, parallel Executive responsible for fomenting regime change, anointing and defending war criminals, lying to Congress and the American people, and coordinating drug trafficking into this country, while his wife implored commoners to "Just Say No."


Very few of you have any sense of history, and even fewer are anything but yet another variation of asleep.


And you wonder why you're ridiculed.


Thank you to those few skeptics who are actually "thinking for themselves". You have little company, but your reticence to uncritically consume bs is refreshing.


The rest of you just look foolish.

Anonymous ID: bea1b1 March 12, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.5645079   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Right. Truth is your enemy.


Go ask Q why POTUS installed that war criminal Abrams so that he could shift the regime change scam to SA, and remind him that what he calls "treason" here is precisely what he's pushing on Venezuelans in defense of establishment interests.


Is it stupidity or desperation that leads people to abandon principle and adopt a herd mentality?

Anonymous ID: bea1b1 March 12, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.5645265   🗄️.is 🔗kun



'Jesus' may have been a man living at the time people claim, and he may even have overturned the moneychangers' tables, but he certainly was not a deity.


You're thinking of Horus, who walked on water, raised a friend from the dead, cured the blind, and rose from the dead, himself. It's an old cult, and it was successfully rolled into a new 'religion' thousands of years later.


What 'truths' we know are those we can verify in the historical record. There are plenty, and many of them conflict with the drivel passing as revisionist history today, not least of which much of what 'Q' disingenuously proffers as fact.


Seriously, folks need to go to the library. It's astounding how this 'source' has misled people.

Anonymous ID: bea1b1 March 12, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.5645401   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's truly astonishing how easily people are herded into beliefs simply because 'Q' says it's so.


Reagan was an actor, and not a 'hero'. He was an impotent POTUS who allowed GHWB to pursue crimes against humanity, and his administration covered for them all.


He claimed the Soviets were so evil and dangerous that we had to appropriate trillions to combat them. They barely made it into the 90's before the establishment picked them clean.


What's more, we're being fed bs on top of bs, regularly. Democrats and the left are not the problem. That problem spans 'parties', and pretending two dozen proxies can be removed to free this nation from its status as a colonial possession is only serving to protect elites from reprisal and further divide commoners.


Pawns-of-pawns of establishment interests got this theater act going, and now its consumed the minds of people who should be fighting for answers to 9/11 or at least against establishment interests.


It's a con, and it should be getting more and more obvious.

Anonymous ID: bea1b1 March 12, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.5645474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5506



Religion is the bastion of weak minds.


People here regurgitate 'scripture' in the same way they regurgitate 'Q' drops.


It's alarmingly simplistic thought.


No one is coming to 'save' us, folks. If we want the yoke off our necks, we have to do it, ourselves.


This is just another ploy by elites to co-opt the antiestablishment movement that was gaining steam, and bury it under a years-long distraction they, themselves, engineered from the start.


Come on.