Some folks on this board are retarded. It's no wonder Q's narrative is so successful.
'Jesus' is not your savior. You're worshipping Horus. You know, the Egyptian cult of 'the dying god', the guy who performed all those 'miracles' thousands of years before some Jews in the desert started talking about a 'messiah', and long before elites co-opted and contorted it into the joke of 'Christianity'. These people are weak-minded and inherently unstable.
'Q' is not your 'savior', either, nor is POTUS. FFS, listen to yourselves.
Fox News is an establishment mouthpiece. No Murdoxh product will be feeding you 'revelations' any time soon. Everything printed or shot is pre-screened, scripted, and cleared. Were you folks born yesterday?
And for the love of all things decent, stop with the revisionist 'Reagan as hero' bs. He presided over GHWB running his own, parallel Executive responsible for fomenting regime change, anointing and defending war criminals, lying to Congress and the American people, and coordinating drug trafficking into this country, while his wife implored commoners to "Just Say No."
Very few of you have any sense of history, and even fewer are anything but yet another variation of asleep.
And you wonder why you're ridiculed.
Thank you to those few skeptics who are actually "thinking for themselves". You have little company, but your reticence to uncritically consume bs is refreshing.
The rest of you just look foolish.