Sky is falling?
It will be interesting to see if they issue a mea culpa and hop on the bandwagon, or go down swinging.
B…b…b…..b.but the shills tell me never to filter them!?!
I think that sky event might be a giant Marian apparition, or Blue Beam
Lindsey Graham was holding the Justice K hearing and planes kept crashing in S. Carolina, his home state.
This BCF actor has been on stage far too long.
I think that's what this is. One last gasp, one last reprieve, to set the markers clearly and give people one last chance to enter into the new covenant God made with all who believe Jesus is who He says He is, the Christ, the Son of the living God.
I think many of them will just silently slink back under the rocks from which they emerged, never to be heard of again.
Meanwhile the very same fucking people were buying information from Russians against Trump.
No, sun's going out. Massive flare that will kill hundreds of millions of people, then poof out.
Said he did. Did he lie?
Sounds like POTUS telling Putin "Hands Off" Georgia.
Wow, no wonder he's so effective!
PBDs and 1 foreign source thought to be Merry Ol' England.
Note how even normies feel like something has changed, and the lines between two groups of people have been very clearly delineated?
We know that the Windsor line took Lady Di to have babies, so that the Windsor grandchildren would have some more humanity than their parents do. And then Di was sacrificed to their demon gods. Once you know that, the rest is kind of small potatoes.
Nope. Still very much physical.
I think you need to meet Jesus, and that right quick, Anon.
Everything about the myths of Horus changed after Jesus.
Look at the earlier myths.
They bear zero similarities to Jesus, but for super powers, which one would expect, and male, which one would expect.
Zero other similarities.
I can believe you, or Jesus, but not both.
"I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; no man comes to the Father but by Me."
t. Jesus of Nazareth
Comey's was.
Still not sure about the "FBI Director? Interested?" meeting that did not happen, and could not have happened. Guessing POTUS set them up with ground rules, which [RR] then expanded upon in a desperate attempt to take down POTUS.
Dominate Hollywood
Dominate Television
Dominate Politics
Dominate Education
Now: Is that dominance still profound?
Every man meets Jesus face-to-face, personally, individually, and alone.
You can set up that meeting any time you like.
Jesus has not grown deaf; he can hear you.
Jesus is not too busy; he will meet with you.
Have the talk.
Accept the pardon.
Nope. Jesus is the advocate before the Father.
You really need to get your spiritual house in order.
Go into a small room alone.
Close your eyes.
Start talking to Jesus.
Tell him everything on your heart.
If eventually you want to be saved, confess with your mouth, that is to say out loud, that Jesus is LORD, and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved.
All who ask are answered.
All who seek find.
All who knock have the door opened.
Seek Jesus with all of your heart, and you will find him. He promises. And he keeps all of his promises.
Yes, that's what I'm saying.
Hybrids start looking more like demons and less like people, and are instinctively repulsive.
No, his brother did exist, and no, there was no Sandy Hook shooting.
Cheeky little bugger, ain't he
Boeing delivers first 737 jet from completion center in China
Originally published December 14, 2018 at 12:30 pm Updated December 14, 2018 at 11:50 pm
Saturday morning in China (late Friday in Seattle) Boeing delivered a 737 MAX to Air China, the first from its new 737 jet completion and delivery center in Zhoushan. The facility was promised to Chinese President Xi Jinping on his 2015 visit to Boeing's plant in Everett.
Jesus and the Father are One, and Jesus is not the intercessary.
You know church language, not Jesus.
Jesus' offer of salvation is still open, and still available even to Q shills.