Anonymous ID: 5bdb92 March 12, 2019, 4:06 p.m. No.5647562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5644796 (PB)

>>5645222 (PB)


Those who hold responsibility for the Order of the Garter do not recognize the Saxe Coburgs as legitimate monarchs, nor any of the current holders of the garter, almost all Saxe Coburg family members and unworthy criminal confederate drawn from the 'royal' houses of Europe.


The most ancient chivalric order in the world is now composed of worthless parasites who place their family arms on on tubs on shoes, fishing rods and luxury consumer products.


The Order is usually said to have been founded by Edward the III in 1348.


This is incorrect. The Order was founded much earlier, by King Richard. Edward's act was a formal recognition of an order already in existence since 1191.


Richard I founded it at the siege of Acre.


"About the 19 yere [sic] of this kinge, he made a solempne feest at Wyndesore, and a greate justes and turnament, where he devysed, and perfyted substanegally, the order of the knyghtes of the garter; howe be it some afferme that this order began fyrst by kynge Rycharde, Cure de Lyon, at the sege of the citye of Acres; where, in his great necessyte, there were but 26 knyghtes that fyrmely and surely abode by the kynge; where he caused all them to were thonges of blew leyther about theyr legges. And afterwarde they were called the knyghtes of the blew thonge." I am obliged for this passage to John Fenn, Esq; a curious and ingenious gentleman of East-Dereham, in Norfolk, who is in possession of the most rare book whence it is taken. Hence some affirm, that the origin of the garter is to be dated from Richard I* and that it owes its pomp and splendor to Edward III.


For shills.


King Richard I was a defender and protector of the Jews.


Richard I was officially invested as Duke of Normandy on 20 July 1189 and crowned king in Westminster Abbey on 3 September 1189.[56] Richard barred all Jews and women from the investiture, but some Jewish leaders arrived to present gifts for the new king.[57] According to Ralph of Diceto, Richard's courtiers stripped and flogged the Jews, then flung them out of court.[58]


When a rumour spread that Richard had ordered all Jews to be killed, the people of London attacked the Jewish population.[58] Many Jewish homes were destroyed by arsonists, and several Jews were forcibly baptised.[58] Some sought sanctuary in the Tower of London, and others managed to escape. Among those killed was Jacob of Orléans, a respected Jewish scholar.[59] Roger of Howden, in his Gesta Regis Ricardi, claimed that the jealous and bigoted citizens started the rioting, and that Richard punished the perpetrators, allowing a forcibly converted Jew to return to his native religion. Baldwin of Forde, Archbishop of Canterbury, reacted by remarking, "If the King is not God's man, he had better be the devil's".[60]


Silver penny of Richard I, York Museums Trust

Realising that the assaults could destabilise his realm on the eve of his departure on crusade, Richard ordered the execution of those responsible for the most egregious murders and persecutions, including rioters who had accidentally burned down Christian homes.[61] He distributed a royal writ demanding that the Jews be left alone. The edict was only loosely enforced, however, and the following March further violence occurred, including a massacre at York.


It is the duty of Knights to refuse allegiance to an illegitimate sovereign, and withhold it until such time as a legitimate monarch is crowned

The illegitimacy of the British royal began with Orange William, brought from the Netherlands and stuck on the throne by the deep state scum of the day.


Social institutions, in order to last centuries develop mechanism to protect themselves from corruption and degradation by the kind of cowards and criminal who parade themselves in fancy dress costume and decorate their their stalls with heraldic plaques. These people are no more legitimate Knights that Dick Blumenthal is a Viet Nam vet or Fauxchahontas a Cherokee Indian.


Their stolen valor is meaningless. Only a legitimate sovereign can confer the order, and only a Knight of true merit, can hold it, and by holding it bound to protect and maintain the integrity of the order to death, and if, necessary beyond it. Properly constituted chivalric orders, sworn to the service of God composed of sincere devout (not sinless) who honor their oaths, such are not subject to death.


England's pedovore line of usurpers represent the "deep capture" of that state. We in the US would have met the same fate if the vile witch Hilldawg had won.