Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5 p.m. No.5648629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8774 >>8784 >>8808 >>8851 >>8854 >>8891 >>9009 >>9134 >>9267

US Intends to Drive Iranian Crude Oil Output to Zero - Pompeo


US Secretary of State said Tuesday on the sidelines of CERA Energy Week conference in Houston that Washington is "committed to bringing Iranian crude oil exports to zero as quickly as market conditions will permit".


"We have every intent of driving Iranian oil exports to zero just as quickly as we can", Pompeo said on Tuesday evening.


Moreover, Pompeo urged the whole oil industry on Tuesday to work with Washington in order to promote US foreign policy, especially in Asia and in Europe, and to punish what he dubbed "bad actors" on the world stage.


"We need to roll up our sleeves and compete – by facilitating investment, encouraging partners to buy from us, and by punishing bad actors", Pompeo said.


US Secretay of State also said that the US oil-and-gas export boom had allowed Washington to meet energy demands once satisfied by its geopolitical rivals.


The United States brought back sanctions on Iran last year after President Donald Trump pulled the country from the 2015 nuclear deal that his predecessor co-signed together with Russia, China, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.


The first round of sanctions came into force in August, followed by the second round in November. The sanctions targeted not only Iran's economy but also individuals and entities that continued doing business with Iran. The US restrictions also include measures that curb Iran's oil industry.


According to the IRNA news agency, Tehran’s revenue from oil exports in the first nine months of the current Iranian year — which runs from 21 March 2018 to 20 March 2019 — have increased by 48.9 percent year-on-year despite the reimposition of US sanctions. The main reason for the increase in revenue was reportedly the oil price hike in the global markets.


Iran's oil revenues from the said period amounted to over $17 billion. However, the demand for oil has recently dropped from $80 per barrel to $50 against the background of the trade war between the United States and China as well as oversupply on the oil market.

Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:10 p.m. No.5648814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8847 >>8857 >>9006 >>9183 >>9185

Trump Derangement Syndrome is now fastest growing disorder in America – are you a sufferer?


If anyone you know is suffering from symptoms below, offer emotional support now. 2020 may be too late. If in the presence of Alyssa Milano or CNN staff, don't mention the word “collusion,” speak no Russian, don't carry an orange.


The following scientific taxonomy simply identifies those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Congress is currently investing in progressive research into a cure known as impeachment, but no permanent remedies are expected to be available for 18 months, at least.



Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.5648847   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Black-and-white thinking


There is still good in Darth Vader, but Donald Trump has no redeeming qualities. On the other hand, anyone who has ever opposed him – from Stormy Daniels to John McCain – is a hero.



Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.5648878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8908 >>9037 >>9042 >>9074

Some Democrats defy Pelosi with intention to force impeachment vote in the House


'We will all go on record … History will be there to judge us all'


Although House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn't believe attempting to impeach President Donald Trump is worth the trouble, that isn't stopping some House Democrats from continuing the effort, according to Roll Call.


Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) said on C-SPAN on Tuesday that he will bring an impeachment vote to the House floor soon. It will be the third time Green has done so, but the first time in the Democratic majority House.


"It's really about whether or not we are going to tolerate and continue to allow an unfit president to be in office," Green said. "Let's just address the comments about is he worth it. This is something I've heard before. … But it's not about him. It's not about Democrats. It's about democracy."

Impeach the president for what?


Green emphasized bigotry as being a driving force and an "action item" for impeachment.


"There are opinion-makers and opinion-shapers who want to maintain the status quo," Green said in response to a question about Pelosi's impeachment stance. "For them, bigotry is a talking point, not an action item. It's an action item for me. There's a moral imperative that trumps political expediency. … Are we going to take on bigotry, or are we going to allow it to fester and grow?"


Green said he doesn't want to pressure anyone to vote one way or the other on impeachment, saying instead that lawmakers should vote according to their conscience.


"We will all go on record. Everybody do what you may," Green said. "I don't believe that we should lobby people and whip people as we captured it in Congress. I think we ought to vote [our] convictions. History will be there to judge us all"

Who else wants to impeach?


Even Democrats who have introduced articles of impeachment against President Trump in the past, such as Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), don't think the votes are there now, Roll Call reported.


But, in addition to Green, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said she favors impeachment because she believes that's what her constituents want.


"They always say represent your district," Tlaib told The Washington Post's Rachael Bade. "I'm representing my district."

What happens after impeachment articles are introduced?


After articles of impeachment are filed, the House has two days to decide what to do next. Democratic leaders could move to table the resolution, which is what has happened to past impeachment resolutions.


A vote on the motion to table, although not a direct vote on impeachment, would be viewed as a barometer of how much support an actual impeachment vote would have.


Fifty-eight Democrats voted against motion to table impeachment resolutions in December 2017, and 66 voted against the motion to table in Jan. 2018—meaning those lawmakers wanted a vote on impeachment likely would've supported it.

Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.5648918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wise food storage turns over 99,000 customer records to the U.S. Government


A class action lawsuit against Wise Company, a survival and emergency food storage company, was filed on February 15, 2017 for “unlawful, unfair, and deceptive advertising and business practices.” Last year, the company agreed to settle the suit, and is expected to announce the settlement on its website by the end of business today.


The class action, known as Miller v. Wise Company Inc., U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Case No. 5:17-cv-00616-JAK-PLA, alleges that on its website and packaging, Wise made misrepresentations and omitted material information about how long its Long-Term Food Kits would last and how many people they would feed. Customers who brought the case (the “Plaintiffs”) allege that as a result, “customers were induced to pay more for those products than they otherwise would have.”


Preppers sold out

Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.5648977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9014 >>9218

Amazon sells 'autism cure' books that suggest children drink toxic, bleach-like substances


The online marketplace is rife with books advocating scientifically unproven and potentially fatal "treatments" for autism, including chemical baths and drugs intended for arsenic poisoning


Amazon is selling books that teach parents how to subject their autistic children to harmful “treatment” regimes that include drinking, bathing in and making enemas out of a toxic, bleach-like substance. Other pseudoscientific books available on the website instruct parents to force their children to undergo chelation – a treatment intended for arsenic and lead poisoning that caused the death of an autistic boy in 2005.


A search for “autism cure” on Amazon brings up dozens of books positing pseudoscientific solutions for autism spectrum disorder – a complex and lifelong developmental disability that has no known cure. But Amazon’s virtual bookshelves are stacked high with titles that recommend a long list of unproven and dangerous autism cures, including sex, yoga, camel milk, electroconvulsive therapy and veganism.


One book, Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism, instructs parents in how to make chlorine dioxide – a bleach-like substance that is sometimes marketed as “Miracle Mineral Solution”. Although the substance has never been scientifically verified as a treatment for any condition, an Amazon search for “Miracle Mineral Solution” turns up more than 25 books extolling its supposed benefits.


In 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that chlorine dioxide, used in this manner, “can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and symptoms of severe dehydration” and that it “poses a significant health risk to consumers who may choose to use this product for self-treatment”. On its product page, Amazon’s recommendation system suggests that people interested in the book might also like to purchase chlorine dioxide drops intended for water purification.



Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.5649010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two-Thirds of Android Antivirus Apps Are Total BS


Most of the Android antivirus apps in the Google Play store are a complete waste of time and money, and some even make your phone more likely to be infected by malware, a new study finds.


Austrian antivirus-testing lab AV-Comparatives tested 250 antivirus apps in Google Play against 2,000 malware samples. They found that only 80 of the apps could stop even a minimal amount of malware.


"Less than one in 10 of the apps tested defended against all 2,000 malicious apps, while over two-thirds failed to reach a block rate of even 30 percent," the lab said in a press release.


To make sure you're protecting your Android device properly, stick to apps from well-known antivirus companies.


Basically, AV-Comparatives said, most Android antivirus apps are phony, and many of them seemed to have been created only to display ads or promote a developer's career.


"The main purpose of these apps seems to be generating easy revenue for their developers, rather than actually protecting their users," the AV-Comparatives report said.


Twenty-three apps did detect all malware samples AV-Comparatives threw at them, including Tom's Guide's top three picks: Bitdefender Mobile Security, Norton Mobile Security and Avast Mobile Security.


Our sixth-place pick, Psafe DFNDR, was also in the 100-percent category, although AV-Comparatives noted that DFNDR used Avast's antivirus engine and had not updated itself to run properly on Android 8 Oreo and later. Lookout Mobile Security, our No. 5 pick, was a little behind the others with 99.6 percent. (Google's own Play Protect antivirus software did poorly, with a detection rate of only 69 percent.)


But Cheetah Mobile, which makes CM Security Master, our No. 4 choice, was listed among the 138 vendors whose antivirus apps "detected less than 30 percent of the Android malware samples, or had a relatively high false alarm rate on popular clean files from the Google Play Store." As a result of these findings, we are re-evaluating CM Security Master and its place in our rankings.


AV-Comparatives said certain apps "whitelisted" apps from specific third-party developers, including Adobe, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and Google itself, so that those well-known apps would not be falsely detected as malware. But that also meant that malware developers could sneak apps past the antivirus app by simply including the name of any whitelisted developer in the name of their app.


"The risky 'AV apps' block almost all other apps, regardless of whether they were installed from the official Google Play Store or not," the report says. "Some of them do not even bother to add their own packages to their whitelists, causing them to report their own app.",news-29621.html

Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.5649070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Researchers Find Critical Backdoor in Swiss Online Voting System


Researchers have found a severe issue in the new Swiss internet voting system that they say would let someone alter votes undetected. They say it should put a halt to Switzerland’s plan to roll out the system in real elections this year.


An international group of researchers who have been examining the source code for an internet voting system Switzerland plans to roll out this year have found a critical flaw in the code that would allow someone to alter votes without detection.


The cryptographic backdoor exists in a part of the system that is supposed to verify that all of the ballots and votes counted in an election are the same ones that voters cast. But the flaw could allow someone to swap out all of the legitimate ballots and replace them with fraudulent ones, all without detection.


“The vulnerability is astonishing,” said Matthew Green, who teaches cryptography at Johns Hopkins University and did not do the research but read the researchers’ report. “In normal elections, there is no single person who could undetectably defraud the entire election. But in this system they built, there is a party who could do that.”


The researchers provided their findings last week to Swiss Post, the country’s national postal service, which developed the system with the Barcelona-based company Scytl. Swiss Post said in a statement the researchers provided Motherboard and that the Swiss Post plans to publish online on Tuesday, that the researchers were correct in their findings and that it had asked Scytl to fix the issue. It also downplayed the vulnerability, however, saying that to exploit it, an attacker would need control over Swiss Post’s secured IT infrastructure “as well as help from several insiders with specialist knowledge of Swiss Post or the cantons.”


But this ignores the fact that Swiss Post and other insiders themselves could pull off the attack.


“Their response hides that they are the primary threat actor for this scenario,” said Sarah Jamie Lewis, a former computer scientist for England’s GCHQ intelligence agency who conducted the research with two academics. “Swiss Post have ‘control over Swiss Post’s secured IT infrastructure’. No election system should have a backdoor that allows the people running the election the ability to undetectably modify the election outcome.”


Green and Lewis said the Swiss government should immediately halt the internet voting rollout as a result of the finding.


“If you’re building a voting system where the chief threat is somebody can hack into a server and replace votes, and if the primary mechanism for preventing that is implemented in a way that is wrong—and not just wrong but wrong in a way that I think any experienced cryptographer should have known was wrong—then … it’s a disqualifying flaw in a system like this,” Green said.


“We have only examined a tiny fraction of this code base and found a critical, election-stealing issue.”


Rest in link

Anonymous ID: 8aee3b March 12, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.5649143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9254 >>9288

Ugh. Angry Former Speaker Paul Ryan Slams Trump on his Reelection Chances – Rips his ‘Personality’


Former Speaker Paul Ryan poked his head up today to take a swipe at President Trump.


Ryan told reporters if the 2020 election is about personality Trump will not win.


This is not the first time Paul Ryan has attacked Donald Trump.

Ryan regularly bashed Trump during the election and after his victory.


Paul Ryan also promised to fund the Trump border wall.

He lied about that for two years.


Go away, Paul.