Anonymous ID: e0dfb8 March 12, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.5649081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9139 >>9228 >>9232 >>9257 >>9336 >>9365

I collected sports cards as a kid.


I was maniacal about it. I would organize them, check their value in Beckett, it was quite the little hobby I had for myself. Then at some point, I started smoking weed and ended up fucking off in school, which blew any shot I had at college. So with little to no future in front of me, I joined the army.


As God as my witness, I went to the recruiter’s office and said I wanted to make commercials or posters for the Army. I had an artistic side and thought I could do something creative and make the world a safer place. Of course the recruiter was like, “yeah whatever just sign here” and shipped me off to MEPS. Even while I was duck-walking in front of the physician, I was thinking “all this so I can join the army’s advertising division?”


WRONG! Due to “needs of the military” my only option was infantry. So I took the oath and shipped out for a couple years. I wouldn’t trade my time in the service for anything in the world…many of life’s most important lessons can be learned when you’re fighting in a war.


I didn’t realize it at the time, but when I got out my brain was asleep. I was lost spiritually. My priorities were upside down. Everything seemed fine, but it wasn’t. I wasn’t a casualty of PTSD: I was just lost.


Then Trump announced he was running for POTUS. At first, I thought he was just another face saying he’s going to this and that, and if we vote for him our lives will be SO much better…


But as soon as he took a sledge hammer to Megyn Kelly’s head and steamrolled through the republican primaries, the MAGA movement took over me: I BECAME A DIEHARD TRUMP SUPPORTER.


I can’t remember when or what first brought me to QAnon…maybe it was in the replies on twitter. But then I watched a decode (I won’t say who it was because I know ID’s are a touchy subject). Soon after that I saw a couple Q-related memes, and PRESTO! from that moment on, virtually every waking hour has been dedicated pressing memes and digging drops. Funny how life works. Isn’t it?


I am grateful for the path God chose for me, I am grateful patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated the beam of LIGHT, and I am grateful for this opportunity to take back power [FREEDOM]. I won’t let you guys down.