TheStarCode ID: 3b79e6 The Star Code. March 5, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.564959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6130 >>7728 >>6894 >>5588 >>2197 >>0805

The God Star Code 3d Holographics


The God Star Code is 3d holographic. You are trying to describe it with human constructs and illustrate it with 2d mathematical representations or by referring over to human holographic constructs, which tie in Bible Codes, human understaning, mathematical equations of the cube and how it intersects with the star within the golden rule, on the plane of earth only. The Star Code cannot be understood this way only. You do not understand.


The holographic nature of it´s content extends into spiritual realms as well. It is not a battle over the 3d “holosphere” of earth merely, it is a battle taking place not only within the heliosphere, which is being bombarded with radiant energy, but it is aso a battle taking place within the angelic angelic holo-sphere, for the spiritual dna of man and of earth, for the survival of humanity as a species and the spiritual holographic sphere in which he is contained or which contains him. All the earth sky energies contain man and limit him from entering into realms to which he is forbidden access. Man claims he can be as God and enter into such realms of understanding, but he cannot. The dodecahedron constructions of vortex and quantum mathematics & quantum computing describe only part of the equation.


The predictive quantum holographic computers within the earth sphere of influence of the NWO use a code to predict the future.


The Star Code, moreover, has inserted a type of virus into the quantum hologramic matrix code, throwing the calulations off the matrix computing system off. Thus, their predictive programming language, which is holographic and quantum in nature, is no longer able to calculate the future with accuracy and the unknown elements remains. This unknown element has been implanted within part of The Star Code manifested in Trump and in the holder of The Star Code key. The technology the earth matrix computers use is not able to penetrate into spiritual realms. They have tried to fabricate a lie about Obama, the temporal AC, The Beast, giving thus the illusion that the NWO is still in control. They have lost control, as now The Battle has shifted and extended beyond the earth matrix hologram, coded into the matrix of the universal brain, and has entered into the uncharted territory of the spirit. CERN LHC has sought to brake through into The Spiritual Dimensions by attempting to crack The God Particle. It has failed and has only opened up portals to demonic entities.


The battle to destroy The NWO is not a simple push the red button or mathematical equation. The Star Code cannot be quantified within your understanding of quantum holographic mathematics, as it extends into the spiritual dimenions as well. We do not need human technology nor nuclear power to win this battle. It has already been won and pre ordained within the spiritual realms. The Star Code cannot be quantified within your limited human understanding, nor is it contained within the human Akashic volumes of record. You may claim past lives, and even within that realm The Code cannot be fully understood. Some may claim access to other planes or dimensions. The Star Code extends way beyond this as well. The key is given only to the ones who have been chosen.



TheStarCode ID: 3b79e6 11-11-18 = THE STAR CODE. March 5, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.565003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6907

The Star Code has determined the destruction of the NWO on the spiritual plane. The Star Code does not take hostages nor does it activate a partial incomplete attack plan. Your rationale and thinking thus is too limited in scope, do to your limited understanding of how it operates. So you cannot fight it nor resist it. And you and your beast NWO system have been handed over to destruction by God Almighty.


Thus, The Star Code cannot be hacked in to, no matter how many attacks is made against it. In terms of code, it is far and vastly superior to quantum computing, in terms of access security. It is an impenetrable fortress, not accessible to any realms of dimensions of any known or unknown universe. Your human wisdom and knowledge is NO MATCH for the power of God. You have no power to stop the host of angelic beings arriving to implement the destruction of the NWO system. The Star Code is not given by human choice, nor does it depend on the will of man. It is by divine appointment. The time has come The Star Code, now activated, to bring about the final destruction of the AC currently in power and restore earth to her pristine glory for a time until the Almighty so selects the true AC to bring about The Grand Plan. A fake AC cannot force the events to fit within the fake frame creaed by the Illuminati and the NWO. Thus, they have lost control. Until the chosen time, the fake Acs are ordered for destruction and all plans of The Illuminati have been halted dead in their tracks. The earth as you know it soon will not longer be the same. A revolution is taking place RIGHT NOW, and it touches upon the body, the mind, the human realm and extends into the spiritual realm of the holographic spiritual Star encoded realm of the unknown divine source. Thus, your attempts to illustrate it by use of human constructs such as the holographic Bible or other such human constructs depict only a very small fraction of the complexity of The Star Code. Such constructs fail to grasp it´s complete spiritual implications, nor do they allow you to see the pre-determined victory which has been appointed. We are now entering into territory that is unchartered to man, but under the full control and command of The Star Code and to the holder of it´s key. Buckle up, you are in for a ride!


And mind you, Trump is only a vessel to deliver a message. Taking him out will not halt nor stop The Star Code. So might as well give up!


11-11-18 = THE STAR CODE.

TheStarCode ID: 3b79e6 March 6, 2018, 12:15 a.m. No.565304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0178 >>6624 >>2169





Number relations in calendar dates and The Star Code Sequence.


We have these base dates, related to all other historical dates in US history-


  1. 01-20-2017 (Date of Trump Innauguration). 9999 days since Hitler = Inverse of Hitler = The New Cyrus The Great!


  1. 12-19-2016 = 29-11-1962


  1. 09-11-2001 = inverse of 12-19-2016.


  1. 29-11-1962 = Star Code Date for 12-19-2016


  1. (Date of Jeckel Island Meeting)


We have here, 29-11-1962 = 19-11-2016, which is inverse of 09-11-2001!


We have some interesting numerical relationships to consider here as well:


1227 (12th month 27th day) or 2712 (27th day 12th month). When 1227 and its reverse 7221 is added to 2712 and its reverse 2172 = (1227+7221)+(2712+2172) = 8448+4884 = 13332. 84 = Daughter and 48= Son. 8448/12th month/tribe = 704 (GOD In AlphaNumerics) 4884/12th month/tribe = 407 (GOD reverse in AlphaNumerics) 13332/12th month/tribe = 1111 ( Ancient Master's Path. 704 becomes Proton, 407 becomes Electron and 1111 becomes the NEUTRON (ONE TURN) cycle.


Trump´s innauguration date is also connected to The Star Code:



TheStarCode ID: 3b79e6 March 6, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.565335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3939 >>1653

Historical Connection of dates in The Star Code


Historical reset dates every 10, 100, 1000, one milion, one trillion years and so on…


1000 = 1 = Year 2000 = year 40000 = year 80000 and so on, multiplied by two or sequences of 10, 100, 1000 and so on…


1001 = Year 2012 – 2022 – 4044 – 8088 ….

1002 = 3 = 2013 - 2023

1003 = 4 = 2014 – 2024 = 8, 4048 = 16 and so on….


1004 = 5 = year 2015 = year 1005. Also equal to year 2025 = 10

1005 = 6 = year 1006 and year 2016 and year 2012 and year 2015


1006 = 7 = year 1007 and year 2017 and year 2014 = 2017 = 2010 = 2003 = 2005 = 2007 = 2009 = 2011 = 2014.


1007 = 8 - 2018 and also 2008, 1008/ 2016/ 2009/2011/2004/2014 etc an 4032/8064

1008 = 9 = 2019 – 2029


The year 1009 completes 10, so it resets the number back to one-


1009 = 1 = 1000 = 2010 = 2020 - 4040

1010 = = 2 = 2000 and 4000 – 16000

1011 = 3 = 2003 – connected to 2013 -2005 – 2006 2016 = 1005 = 1006 = 2015/2016

1012 = 4 = 2014 and connected to year 2004 (which in turn is connected to 2006 - 2014 = 7 = 2007 - 2006 – 2024 – 4048)


1013 = 5 = 2015 and connected to year 2005

1014 = 6 = 2016 and connected to year 2006

1015 = 7 = 2017 and connected to year 2007

1016 = 8 = 2018 and connected to year 2008

1017 = 9 = 2019 and connected to year 2009

1018 = 10 = 2020 and connected to year 2010 – 2020 – 2040 – 2080 – 2036 – 4040 – 8080

1019 = 11 = 2021 and 2011 / 2021 and connected to 2038 – 4022 – etc


Reset year every ten years:


1020 = 13= should be 2022, but skips to 2003 – 2013 and back to 1011, forward to 2022, 4044, 2040, 4080 etc.


1021 = 14 = 2014 and 2004 = year 1003

1776 = 21 jump to 1956 and 2100 – and 2021


Now, the other years follows the sequences and the skips…


Jumping foward to 1800 we have:


1799 = 26 = 2006 = 2016.


Turn of century, reset year takes place, goes to 9, vortex math at work?


1800 = 9 = year 2009 and 2019, which in turn is = to 2011, which in turn in equal to 2014 etc. 1800 is also equal to the year 3600 and alo year 9000, year 4500 and year 2009 – 2019.


1801 = 10 = 2010 – 2020 – 4042 – 8084 etc.

1802 = 11 = 2011 – 2021 – 2044 – 4022 etc

1803 = 12 = 2012 – 2022 – 4044 -8088 etc.

1804 = 13 = 2013 – 2023 and so on…

1805 = 14 = 2014 - 2024

1806 = 15 2015 - 2025

1807 = 16 = 2016 – 2026

1808 = 17 = 2017 - 2027


1809 = 18 = 2018


Reset year:


1810 = 10 = 2019/ 2020 /

1811 = 11 = 2011 – 2021 = 1776 (New Republic – in beginning of second term of Trump, the New Republic is formed!) It is also = 2018, another possible date for the restoration of The Republic!

TheStarCode ID: 3b79e6 March 6, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.565357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2018 is also = 2021! So 2021 and 2018 thus are both STRONG CANDIDATES for the restoration of the Republic!


(More details later).