Anonymous ID: ce48f7 March 12, 2019, 7:43 p.m. No.5651716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1835 >>1957

>>5651123 (pp)

Well… again, it's your key and it's a skeleton key.

However you can most clearly focus the "tone" is how you should approach it in the beginning.

Left brain… right brain… whatever works for you.


Being able to feel the desired frequency is actually something I hadn't really considered adding in since this all started out in a dream/mental-scape concerning heart/memory/mind castles/houses/palaces.


Not only "how is it set up", but how do the doors work?

Assumedly, some would lock… how does the mechanism function?

Do you need multiple keys? A master key?

How do the doors even work? Straightforward or more like Portal ooooor…


I landed on: A skeleton key, where the frequency is the ridges that fumble the tumbler, and it also acts as the opening mechanism.


The key itself creates the door it unlocks.

Kinda P=NP, The Tardis, and Stargate smushed together.


Also led to a fun theory about the differences between Doc Brown's car, John Titor's device, the Tardis, and time travel in relation to windows vs enclosure.


The core that is surrounded by the Tardis, is effectively the center of "time/space".

Or you could say, that's where the Tardis "resides", considering that the Tardis doesn't actually "move".

Anonymous ID: ce48f7 March 12, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.5651835   🗄️.is 🔗kun




They input the "coordinates/codes/notes/tones/glyphs/whatever", and the door forms.

But, they have a limited number of combinations that will actually get them somewhere.

"Stabilized frequencies", since not having things pitch perfect isn't an option if you want things to go as you intend.


Perhaps the inputs in the Stargate series only relate to "this universe, in real-time"…

Course then you gotta wonder if there are other versions of the Stargates that are set up to lead to entirely different timelines/dimensions…

But then you're getting into part of the storyline where Stargates lead to other functioning-stargates and you'd be better off in the Tardis, at that point. Way more options.

Anonymous ID: ce48f7 March 12, 2019, 7:57 p.m. No.5652017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2020 vision is pointless without Light.


On top of that, bad actors want to use the election to shift the narrative to a "future" perspective so that people are paying less attention to what's happening at "present".


Trump on the other hand… and all of his plants and allies…

Are still focused on the present, how we got here, and what we need to do to move forward.


Either they dumped KAG entirely, or MAGA hasn't happened yet, which is pointed to not having a full understanding of what made 2018 Glorious, if that wasn't a misdirect as to Q's timeline/schedule. Also, bad actors are still in play, and A isn't MG A until the Pain is delivered and healing happens.

Pain as a consequence of bad acting.

Pain as in part of the healing process.

Pain as in that sensation of going from Dark to Light suddenly, as will happen to the normies and reeegressives who are still trapped in the cabal's headspace but will come around when the Hammer Drops.


As for Q, "time" is a bit more malleable of a construct.

Anonymous ID: ce48f7 March 12, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.5652121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268


I've run through similar thought experiments where instead of doors it was photographs in a sort of boundless gallery.

Visualize what I'm thinkin' on, and go into the image.


Could very easily blend the concepts of images, computers (files'n'folders), and a palace.


Then you'd be getting closer to how it's portrayed in Sherlock (Cumberbatch version) instead of how they showed it in The Matrix.


Could be an Escher style palace, also.

Art and objects that lead to places…

Wings and rooms with specific themes (folders).


Or for someone who's more into a reading, you could go all Neverending Story/Bookmaster and go into the books.


Or if you're really really lazy…

Just play Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot 3.

Anonymous ID: ce48f7 March 12, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.5652240   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've got a similar idea in mind.

The things I need for it should arrive in a few days.

It's gonna be so gloriously ridiculous.


It hinges on a tasteless thing made by a leftist with TDS.

I'ma show 'em how memetics actually work.


Might even turn it into a #WalkAway thing if I can find enough "out of the Trump closet" gaybros…

Anonymous ID: ce48f7 March 12, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.5652320   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kinda quantum "helpers"

How do they move about?

Are they trapped? Does the maid go to other rooms to tie them together?

Are there different secretaries as you get further into the office?

Escape chutes? Hidden rooms?

Hidden from "whom"?


Do any of them have keys? What are the limitations of their access?

Do live there? Do they have their own rooms?

Servants' quarters?

Do you have access to that space or do you let it be theirs?

Anonymous ID: ce48f7 March 12, 2019, 8:17 p.m. No.5652381   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Roberts is comped.

It's why RBG not being there doesn't matter.

She needs to be replaced for proper the decisions regarding GEOTUS's powers and abilities.