Anonymous ID: f511b8 March 12, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.5651804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2079 >>2090 >>2156 >>2273


The only way to transform the system is to physically replace the people who currently occupy its offices with ourselves. Yes, ourselves.

Literally, you and me.

Clearing out the corrupt individuals is not going to change anything if we let just anyone take their jobs.

I wouldn't trust a single normalfag, no matter how good of a reputation they have. Only those who are aware of the evil that exists, are passionate about it like we are, and smart enough to figure out the truth, have the capacity to fight it and the ability to prevent the evil from taking over again.

Your typical nice guy is not up to the task.


The evil does not just dwell in the current batch of corrupt leaders. It is an aspect of humanity that will persist so long as humanity does.

Even those who are not evil, for the most part, still do not care enough to do what needs to be done to give us a fighting chance to maintain good into the future.

And many of those who do become aware of the evil and wish to fight is as we do, will still not all agree on the best path forward. Some will want solutions that will take us in the wrong direction.

Even people you would consider Patriots may still follow the wrong crowd, like all the RHINOs.

Only those of us who are here and fighting this now have a true internal guidance that can lead us into the future.


This is a call to action

Patriots, start preparing yourselves mentally for a significant life transformation. Excuses for not participating cannot be acceptable. There are not enough of us in the general population to fill all the rolls that need to be replaced.

Q-team, start figuring out how to replace everyone who is currently in government/major institutions with us. Even the nice guys will have to be replaced, unless they are truly one of us, for the reasons stated above. Its time for a total transformation. There is no other solution, imo.

