Anonymous ID: 70ade8 March 12, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.5652471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2538 >>2704 >>2729




with all the (((manufactured))) negative msm optics FAKE NEWS, I think we can see some facts and see some reality check here:


Reminder of POTUS administration effective efforts to COMPLETELY neuter the 'refugee asset' scheme of hussein and TRAITORS:

U.S. To Limit The Number Of Refugees Allowed Entry To 30,000


"The announcement to slash the number of refugees for the second straight year was made in a brief statement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday.


As NPR's Michele Keleman reports, the administration's move represents the lowest ceiling in decades and comes at a time when the world is grappling with massive refugee flows.

Setting an annual ceiling of 30,000 allowable refugees in fiscal year 2019 does not guarantee that all of them will enter the U.S. 'After all, the administration has resettled less than half of the 45,000 allowed for 2018 as the fiscal year nears its end, Keleman reports."


Here are some facts:

in fiscal year of 2018, about 23,000 or so 'refugees' were settled in US. almost less than half of the limit.

"Last year, Mr. Miller led an effort, with the support of John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, to cut the program even more, to as low as 15,000.


But pushback from Defense and State Department officials, as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff and members of the United States mission to the United Nations, who advocated maintaining the 50,000 level, resulted in a ceiling of 45,000.


Even then, the administration has managed to slow refugee admissions to a trickle, admitting only 20,918 this year — less than half of the limit the president proposed."


To place this into perspective, hussein set the limit at 110,000 per year in 2016.

Now we are down to 30,000, which will wind up being effectively around 18,000 range, and probably be slashed even more next year. Hopefully to 15,000 and below.


On even more hopeful note, the number of 'refugees' from middle east limit is less than 3,000 currently, and will likely go down even further. Of course, all those who enter are subject to essentially 24/7 surveillance.



MB and CAIR are in the cross hairs, so are every single muslim on this land and beyond (UK, EU, S. america, etc).


Patriots know the danger. Long time Cucks in DC that are too gutless and too comfortable and deranged from years of cuckholdom can get fucked.

Preferably by an illegal or a nigga they hate so much on east side of DC.



Demographic slide WILL be reversed, America will be OURS again.


P.S. Thank you for your continued effects, Miller. /pol/acks send you our best regards. Great efforts despite all the pressures and difficulties from shills in and out of the administration.


Anonymous ID: 70ade8 March 12, 2019, 8:37 p.m. No.5652757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2856 >>2922


Trust us, (((shill))).

Your efforts to cherry pick, side step, evade, lie, and use smoke and mirrors to continue your racial and religious priorities will FAIL.

Same goes for muzzies.


None of you are off our radar. EVER.

Enemies of the world.

We are already here, and you are already half way in your graves.

Write a will, [[[bitch]]].

Anonymous ID: 70ade8 March 12, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.5652799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2960


>FEMA camps


I recommend expanding some facilities in places such as puerto rico or guantanamo/cuba under tight watch until all this situation is resolved.

Better yet, some surrounding countries can actually welcome these scum and set up camps themselves.

Anonymous ID: 70ade8 March 12, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.5653127   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Chalk up another victory for reducing foreign immigration routes:

Trump Administration Seeks To Close International Immigration Offices


"The Trump administration is seeking to close nearly two dozen U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services field offices around the world in a move it estimates would save millions per year. But critics argue the closures will further slow refugee processing, family reunification petitions and military citizenship applications. In the statement, Collins downplayed the potential impact of shuttering all 23 field offices across 20 countries.


"It's yet another step that USCIS has taken that slows the processing of refugee applications and will slow customer service in general," Pierce said, adding that an increase in the backlog could fuel calls for further refugee cap reductions moving forward.


The USCIS International Operations department employs approximately 70 staffers in its offices around the globe. Foreign nationals make up more than half of its staff working abroad and approximately one-third of all its employees. "


This is how you win, ladies and gentlemen. Destroy optics traps, and pick out the fucking assets to remove.




Anonymous ID: 70ade8 March 12, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.5653187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These are not 'refugees'. These are rapists, subhumans, and thieves who are preying after white women and children after years of internet/TV based pornography and sick (((media))) influence. many of them from india, pakistan, BANGLADESH, south east and south asia.

Plus africa and middle east of course.

These SUBHUMANS should be SHOT the moment they show up anywhere on our soil, or near our embassies with obvious shit expression they wear. We know the enemy we need to kill.