Anonymous ID: cf57d5 March 12, 2019, 8:25 p.m. No.5652528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2615 >>2650 >>2760


Think about the past week anons. The Jewish lobby in the US, Shapiro, etc, all of them have been attacking the DNC, articles about "leaving" the party, articles about the DNC being antisemitic and so on.


Then comes Q posts that justice is literally about to drop, as in next 24-72 hours (that is I read it at least). Then… all of a sudden.. Israel makes statement about declassification about their "enemy". Who was the POTUS who was legitimately hated by Israel and worked with Iran? Who was the POTUS that Q eluded to earlier? Who is tied to all these events?


Oh yes… incoming I believe. They are jumping on the bandwagon to sell themselves as victims of Obama and Iran. They wouldn't make such a public announcement unless they KNEW (fucking leakers) something has happened or is about to.

Anonymous ID: cf57d5 March 12, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.5652800   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Of course the will. They absolutely will take advantage of this, claim the US wronged them, point to the arrest if it happens and demand the US pay them reparations. Why do you think Israel just so randomly is about to drop who their "enemy" is? We all know it will have to do with Iran, so why now? Well… because they know what is about to drop.

Anonymous ID: cf57d5 March 12, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.5653092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You know. I just want to throw this out there and see if others have ever got this in any manner. When the FBIAnon posts began I began seeing the number 11 every fucking where and was really surprised to find out others were as well. Not everyone but only a handful and we all seemed to fucking end up on the same site discussing the same shit and what we all seemed to have similar thought processes about how to remedy the issues in the nation.


Then Q comes onto the scene, the former FBIAnon discussion groups had gotten bigger, more people were talking about "what the fuck… I keep seeing 11?" and the just keep filing in more and more. In the end though the original group plus others who had not yet joined in were the ones who spread the data and the following exploded in numbers all over the world.


So my question, and I can't fucking believe I am even asking but I just have to. Did we original people or those in early on this thing, did they somehow.. fuck I don't even know how to ask it.. but did somehow find a way to direct us to the same place and assure we were all in one group and then left it at that just so we would begin discussing what they knew we would because they looked into us and knew we truly wanted to fix the issues in the country.


Typically I wouldn't go down such a massively far fetched theory but with what we have learned about mind control, about signals, about the brain being a receiver, about (and this is key) how we were "CHOSEN" and so on. Were we quite literally chosen for this?