Anonymous ID: 611fac March 12, 2019, 9:08 p.m. No.5653439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3491 >>3825 >>3859 >>3913


Invasion and annexation of Golan Heights about to commence based off this bullshit intel.


But where are all the wars? Dick Cheney tears into ‘isolationist’ Pence at neocon conclave


Former US Vice President Dick Cheney has attacked the Trump administration’s “isolationist” foreign policy, lecturing Mike Pence on not living up to his example as one of the primary architects of Middle Eastern destabilization.


“We’re getting into a situation where our friends and allies around the world that we depend upon are going to lack confidence in us,” Cheney said, seemingly unaware of the irony dripping from his words.


“I worry that the bottom line of that kind of an approach is we have an administration that looks a lot more like Barack Obama than Ronald Reagan,” he added, perhaps forgetting that Obama’s foreign policy largely consisted of continuing the wars that began under Cheney’s own watch – with a few more thrown in for good measure.


Even the hire of an actual Reagan relic to run the administration’s Venezuelan regime change – enforced democracy-dispenser Elliott Abrams, last seen threatening US allies with “secondary sanctions” for refusing to back the self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido – did not soothe the former VP’s ire.


Golan heights = Oil war for Israel

Venezuela = Oil war for Israel

Anonymous ID: 611fac March 12, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.5653802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fuck Israel is what me and all the old Anon's think!


Rothschild Zionist State of Israel! Causing war and death for Moloch their god. Synagogue of Satan.


Your low IQ is showing Jew boy!

Anonymous ID: 611fac March 12, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.5653848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Marxist (Left) V Zionist (Right) Deception


Puppet masters

/ \

/ \

Soros (MB) v Netanyahu (Adelson) separate arms of the same beast and it's control system.


Same goals:

Control the world.

Elevate one class over another. Serfs/Elite. Jews/Goyim

Create a new world order.

Rule with an iron fist.

Control resources.

Eliminate competitors aka white people, black people, arab's, asians.

Greater Israel project.

Build third temple.

Bring forth the anti-christ.

Satanic rule.

Trick Christian's into believing the above must happen for the return of Jesus.

Control both sides of all arguments.

Endless death and suffering on competitors.


Traits of each:






Know thy enemy