Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 12, 2019, 11:19 p.m. No.5655553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5584 >>5626 >>5674 >>5677 >>5698 >>6250

Dear Q, Q+, NSA &/or POTUS,


Please look into the current cases of judge/attorneys Lisa Bloch-Rodwin, Amber Paulos, Michelle Brown-Cohen, and CPS worker Jeffrey Mann, all working in Erie County, NY. (You'll want to look into the "neglect" trial, that has lasted almost a year and a half.)


I am not trying to gain any unfair advantage by doing this. I am simply standing up for truth, justice and what is right. These people, listed above, are committing serious violations of the law. They are lying, making false-accusations, omitting evidence (with help of "Spectrum"), falsifying records and violating myself and my families rights, in an attempt to unlawfully remove my toddler child from me. I believe I have told our story (which continues, and continues to get worse for myself and my child) so many times, that you've got to know who we are. And I hope to God we have been taken seriously. (Praying some of those "sealed-indictments" are for these criminals.)


Look at my record and past… I have never made any sort of accusations, such as these, previously. And certainly never on such a public-scale or otherwise. Nor have I ever been as determined as I am now to ensure my family gets relief and see our transgressors held accountable. Why else would I be doing all this? "Think logically"…


We literally have these people right where we want them, ON THE RECORD, but they have now intimidated my attorney and appear to be posturing for some more legal-shenanigans. We are at the "disposition" stage of the trial now. As I write this, the county's witnesses are still legally "on the witness stand". The trial was adjourned weeks ago, before we even got a chance to cross-examine. The levels of official-misconduct and rights violations we have been victim to, are alarming. If this can be done to us… this can be done to ANY family in the US.


"I would do anything to protect my child."


The CPS worker who removed my child from me, gave this statement made by me as a reason, on the stand, for removing my child for me. He said, "Based on this statement, we felt he might harm the child." Bear in mind, I have been trying to get the courts to do something about the neglect/abuse occurring to my child when NOT with me, for over 4 YEARS.


Q… I have pictures of "hand-print" bruising on my child.


I have recordings of my child detailing the abuse (One time, immediately after an exchange, on camera, and with a "supervisor" approved by the court, after being away from me for the longest time since birth.)


These were posted publicly to my "LifeLog" account.


Forgive me, but I have to say… How many times must I BEG for someone to give our case the attention it deserves?


I pledge to you, on everything I hold dear, that I am telling you the truth. Why would I lie about this? I don't want recognition, I want justice. And you would not be wasting your time. I have uncovered very serious and powerful connections these people have. If you are serious about returning power to the people, and removing it from tyrants, I can think of no better way to show it.


Can you please deliver this for us? Is this not a noble and worthy enough cause? Please…

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 12, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.5655674   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Baker, please do me a solid and place this in the NOTABLES where someone of NOTE can see it. It would be greatly appreciated. We need eyes on this, ASAP.

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 12, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.5655717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5726 >>5831



You sound like me… You've been through this, haven't you?


You are preaching to the choir. I'm doing everything right, except for popping off on Facebook about what was happening to us… That's my crime.


Recently found out our attorney is screwing us now, at the end. Not sure if comp'd or just intimidated. She once told me, after I asked why she didn't object to a violation of my rights in the courtroom, "I'm not going to put my career in jeopardy for you." (At the time, I felt this was reasonable, since she would shitting in her own backyard. Now, I'm not so sure.)


Either way… That is not proper representation. But, she cost me 5K and they have bled me dry. So…

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 12, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.5655938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5999



I'm not from here… I moved across the country to protect my child. That, and I had a weekend's notice to find an attorney. If not, they would have had no burden of proof and it never would have gone to trial. But, my attorney has a good rep and was recommended to me by someone respected in the law community there. Honestly, I think these people are getting to her… Plus, they have dragged the case out so long, it's getting costly for her. (I think that was by design).

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 13, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.5655997   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think this is solid-advice, but we did that… We literally proved our case and made them look stupid. Regardless, this activist-judge ruled against me. We appealed the case and we will win. We are in the right. But, as it drags on, my child continues to be abused, as the court does nothing. Law enforcement defers to the court. And I fear by the time this reaches a Supreme Court, my child will be in another country, or worse.


We need someone to step in… The overreaches in this case absolutely merit an administrator stepping in and this judge going up for judicial review. The child's attorney and CPS/DSS workers, have completely lost their minds. I have so much dirt on them, I could start a garden.


You have no idea the scale of the potential lawsuits we are sitting on. I am not exaggerating or overstating what has been done to us.

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 13, 2019, 12:03 a.m. No.5656033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6077 >>6266



I feel for you, man… You have no idea how much I feel for you. I want to shout out, "I'm going to fucking kill you", every time I'm in these people's presence. But that would not even help my child. And that is priority #1.


I never knew evil like this existed so openly… officially… legally…


How did we get here. Its awful.

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 13, 2019, 12:05 a.m. No.5656052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6118



Also, I think it's perfectly natural to have very angered feelings toward those who would unlawfully steal your children from you.


I hope you forgave yourself for that.

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 13, 2019, 12:18 a.m. No.5656171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6208 >>6253



>The state will not let you sue.

What do you mean, exactly? My understanding was that I should sue the county, CPS, the child's attorney's employer, in addition to others, not yet mentioned.


>And you have to go after their jobs.


Do you mean through formal complaints, or litigation?


>And They termanated your rights you can't do much until after you win them back. Can your kid talk?


I have supervised visitation, currently. The case hasn't been disposed of yet. Were in disposition-trial now. And we have filed a notice of appeal, regarding the ACTUAL trial findings. Looks like they are going to do the "Take XYZ classes and evaluations" within 15 months or something of that nature. But, make no mistake. They won't ever let me see my child, if I let them get their way… Yeah, my kid can talk. Very well.

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 13, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.5656250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6256 >>6257



This is just one of the most recent… Legs only to protect identity.


My child tells me she is being hit and having her legs squeezed if she doesn't call her mom's boyfriend, "Daddy". This is what she has told me, and SEVERAL witnesses on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS.


This is nothing… I have much worse evidence, but cannot show it here, as much of it is evidence in court, atm.


No one will help…


BAKER… You gonna help?

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 13, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.5656285   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Great idea... Then I would be in prison, and her mother, who is also abusing her would have free-reign... But suppose you suggest I kill her too. Then, the crooked NXIVM-affiliated court members, circling the wagons on my kid, get to have their way with my child.


No thanks.


Your advice sucks.

Anonymous ID: 8866fd March 13, 2019, 12:36 a.m. No.5656323   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You are the kind of person, who in my situation, would fuck everything up... In fact, you wouldn't have lasted half this time.


We are going to win our case. Protect my child. And put faggot, maniacs like you, in jail.