Look at that fucking neck!
Not a fucking "Proof". Everybody is retweeting those important tweets.
I think it is [They never thought she would lose].
Because that infers a lot of people committing treason.
It wasn't just one person.
There is only one set of brackets and there would be a space between each set of initials.
It is obviously more than one person.
You guys are over thinking this.
It's all the people that were banking on her not losing.
[They thought she would never lose]
Massive veins (looks like she is ready to stroke-out). I know of NO woman who has those huge veins.
Also, her neck is extremely loooooooog
It's 34 you dorks.
I think Lisa and McCabe were fucking too. She used to work for him,
and he had her come over and work for him when he went to the FBI.
He's an asshole.
Singer was probably getting the Obuma girls into college.
Maybe Singer got Melia Obama into Harvard where she ended up going.
Well if Singer was going to the WH - and Sasha Obama was planning and started Harvard while in the WH -
and Harvard was one of the colleges he was getting kids into - did he help her cheat on her SATs to get in?
Maybe it was Pagawan and she shortened the name.
You think they would put their names on the list?