Anonymous ID: bb4e91 March 13, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.5656116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6123 >>6125 >>6131 >>6153 >>6154 >>6164 >>6270

You people really are the worst most sore winners. Even though you got what you wanted and for two years your people dominated your government, the house the Senate and the White House and still you and Trump whined and you cried and you bitched about how how put out you are and unfair everything is and how oppressed you are. And it wasn't enough to win, you will not be happy until everybody is executed or in gitmo, all your enemies real and perceived. Nothing will satisfy you except the blood of everyone who isn't in your cult so you sit here and make up stories about all the evils that everyone who isn't you is doing and convince each other that it's true and then fantasize about what you're going to do to them.

None of this shit that you imagine exist in the real world. You are making it all up in your heads. Trump has convinced you that truth and reality or whatever you want it to be and you're so stupid you believe it.